First Indoor Grow cfl+hps


Well-Known Member
Hows it goin everyone. This is my very first indoor grow and im trying to do it right so please i will take any and all comments.

What im using:
1.5ft x 3ft x 5.2ft grow tent

2 rooms divided

Clone/Vegg Room:

2x26watt cfl
1X23watt cfl

Flower Room:
4gal DWC system
400watt hps

My original plan was to have a small clone room to fit only about 4-6 clones in at a time to take the place of the flowering mothers above.

I had one seed from days ago that i was germinating for the hell of it and i decided to put it in some soil and stick her in the clone room. I just put her in soil yesterday so shes only on day 2 of her growth.

On the way from ebay are 4 case fans and a power supply.
and im still waiting for the DWC system and hps light i ordered last weekend.

So far total ive spent about $400

Now im on my way to go pick out some clones from the club because i just cant wait anymore so hopefully my light and dwc comes in!!


i have a 120w plant bulb should i put it in with the cfls in the vegg room?

which nutes should i use and when?

i will update shortly.. please stay tuned :)



Well-Known Member
thanks alot for the info. Im really enjoying the hydro grow tent it keeps things somewhat neat and organized.


Hindu kush x skunk

grapefruit kush

Grand daddy Purple


unfortunately i have to keep them in these gay cups untill my DWC system arrives. but they are all looking healthy and beaaauuuuutiful :)


Well-Known Member
lookin nice bro. def dont use that 120w plant light. It is an incandecent bulb and the reason it is called a plant buld is because it makes plants look "greener" when its pointed on them. It have no growing benifit. This is just my .02 I m not exactly positive about that specific one but i have had ones eactly like it made by phillips. they look the same and the name of the buld tricks you. good luck ;)


Well-Known Member
yeah i put that 120w in for like 2 minutes and it brought the temp to almost 120F so i very quickly removed it. thanks for the support


Well-Known Member
yeah my homie has two of those 120w plant bulbs over his like ten plants, dude his plants SUCK under those things. they're about three feet tall and barely have any leaves. they look horrible


Well-Known Member
on the way are 4 case fans.. but i know thats not going to be enough.. there are alot of vent spots on this tent which is great but i still havnt invested into any major cooling system for the 400w hps.. any ideas?


Well-Known Member

400w hps is finally in! but it is making things very hot as predicted. i have some janky fans doing their best at the moment..


where should the sensor for my thermometer be? directly above the plants? or just anywhere inside the grow room?

working with these rockwool clones should i poke holes in their cups and put some water in the bottom of this turkey tray for them? (untill DWC system arrives) or is that too much water? because they are starting to look a little uncomfortable and im not sure if its a underwatering issue or overwatering..

what temp is toooo hot? its hard for me to even keep this tent under 90F

thanks again



Well-Known Member
90 is pretty hot man. wish i had some input to help you out but i totally dont have anything to add except its a little too hot. sorry.


Well-Known Member
First thing you should do is get that ballast out of the room if you can. Or get it above you light. The heat from that thing will bring the room temp way up. you should leave the thermometer at conopy level the entire grow. this means moving it as plants get bigger so that you know what the temp is at tips and you dont get heat stress. I would get more air movment in the room and if you can hook a inline fan up to pull air out of the room. That 400w will heat that little room to 90 in 5 minutes. good luck


Well-Known Member
thanks so much the help you guys.. every little bit counts. ok so i got that ballast out of there and i made my own dwc system for now untill the bigger set up gets here.. it all works out tho because ill need 2 systems in the end ( one for flower one for vegg ) .. I also purchased a fan to blow out some air.. its pushin alot of air out but its still very hard to keep this tent cool.. hopefully the case fans do the trick.. i already have 3 fans total in there..and if all this doesnt work i dont know what to do hah..


should i trim off the yellow (burnt?) parts of the leaves?

the water level is about 1 inch under the roots is this ok? or more?

should i start right into 12/12 to reduce heat?



Well-Known Member
hah so i just rolled up a blunt then medicated for a while while enjoying some discovery channel.. and i had an i idea light bulb magically apear above my head..anyways i opened my bedroom window and put a fan there aiming towerd the tent (all the way across the room about 12ft) and with these chilly nights we have been having here in cali i got my temps down to 81F yay!


Well-Known Member
thats my game plan too for my 600 hps. hang it right in front of the window and leave the window open


Well-Known Member
UPDATE: Day 5 grow
so the case fans and stealth hydro DWC system is in. I have a total of 3 air stones in the 4 gal DWC. 8 total fans 2 of which pulling 300+cfm from the tent and 4 are case fans.. im still kinda having a problem with heat and my plants are not to happy with me tho.. gdp is almost gone :( but i have high hopes.. im doing my best i hope they make it..

changed to 18/6 hopefully that helps...

