First indoor grow- Newb in learning


Active Member
You can only put you hps so close with burning which wont be close enough to stop stretching where as you can put you fl,s inchs away but your cfl,s are a bit hotter so they have to go a few more inches away this will prevent any stretching where your hps has to ve about a foot away and your girls will defo stretch.
Yep I learned that the hard way lst night unfortunately :/ The HPS proximity to the plants caused heat stress. I've decided to vegg for a month with the CFL/Fluro's (thx ak.fortyseven). I'll do this in the future as well. I was actually considering doing 12/12 from start but I think this is a much better idea.

As for the female hormone thing, I'm a bit skeptical (or maybe in denial lol) but I'll see if there's any more info on that.

Your cfls and your floures are fine for veggin my friend I would use them along side your hps during flowering awell

I'd Leave the HPS out until you bud, Just keep your fluros close and they will get plenty of light. Growing indoors chances are your max veg time will be a month or less. The fluros will provide plenty of light for this period.
Thank you both so much for the advice, it's good to be able to share this hobby with people. + rep :)


Active Member
shes coming on eh?
Gradually :P I'm surprised at the results, far better than anything i've tried outside.

She looks good. She'll start growin good in a few days once the roots get developed, they really take off :wink:.

I just started budding My DP Mazar today :lol:
Your grow looks amazing don't think mine will be anything like that but the method you've used has really paid off.

I transplanted the seedlings (ranging from 12-27 days) into smaller pots as I realized the possible problems that could occur having multiple plants in the same pot. I've also decided to top the largest lady at the 5th node after browsing some threads on this site.

mr west

Well-Known Member

can get a good look now lol. That topped one will slowdown for a bit wile it gets ofer being beheaded lol.


Active Member
That topped one will slowdown for a bit wile it gets ofer being beheaded lol.
lol I feel quite guilty when you put it that way :P She seems to be recovering already and the two new shoot are starting to grow.

I am having other problems with the plants after transplanting them. The ph. is about 7.5 but that never caused any problems when they were in the larger pots and I was gradually adding ph. down. Now they're lower leaves are turning yellow. It could be a nitrogen deficiency but they're too young to be fertilised. Could this just be a result of transplanting? Please tell me they'll recover :*(

mr west

Well-Known Member
they are prolly eating themselfs cuz they root bound. The bigger pots the better. I take it ur using compost of some kind so think of it this way more soil = more food for the plant. Urd be surprised at how much of a beating this plant can take and bounce back even better than b4.


Active Member
they are prolly eating themselfs cuz they root bound. The bigger pots the better. I take it ur using compost of some kind so think of it this way more soil = more food for the plant. Urd be surprised at how much of a beating this plant can take and bounce back even better than b4.
I dn't think they're root bound just yet. Their root systems were fairly small when I transplanted them and the pots are about a gallon so I figure they could vegg in these pots until I know their sex.
Someone suggested on another thread I made, that the plants probably suffered root damage during transplantation and now they are using the nutrients stored in the lower leaves to recover.


Active Member
Just checked the ph. and it's a perfect 6.5 :) Also added some 'Charlie Carp' fertilizer with an NPK value of 9/2/6.