First Indoor Grow - Nirvana Royal Flush

For the past 20+ years I have been growing outdoors but a friend of mine gave me 5 Nirvana Royal Flush Feminized seeds so I thought I would give them a go for a grow indoors.

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I did nothing special to germinate the seeds. Just put them in a 16 oz clear plastic cup with a 70/30 mix of Foxfarm Ocean Forest (70%) and Peat Moss (30%). I always use clear plastic cups just so I can watch root growth. This helps me determine when to transplant to bigger containers.


Kept the soil moist and covered with plastic wrap and put them on top of the refrigerator. All of the seeds sprouted within 72 hours. Below is a pic at one week growth under a 400w MH lamp.


Much like my outdoor grows, I intend on keeping this one as simple as possible with nutrients and trying to mimic the daylight.



The grow room is a constant 68°F. I also use this room to ferment my beer. I will be brewing several batches starting this weekend for the summer so hopefully this will help with adding CO2 to the area.

I plan on a vegetative growth period of 6 weeks. Currently I am vegging with a 400W MH lamp running 24/7. Next week I will switch to a 1,000W HPS lamp running at 18/6 for the duration of the 6 weeks. I chose this because the person who gave me the seeds only grows indoors and has had great results so I am following his instructions. After the 6 week vegetative period I will turn off the lamp for 24 hours, then flower for as long as it takes on a 12/12 basis.

As I stated earlier, all of my grows for the past 20+ years have been outdoors so any suggestions from skilled indoor growers are welcome.

Thanks for viewing!


Also, if anyone can give advice on when to start feeding the plants nutrients it would be appreciated. Normally outdoors my soil is amended to the point that I do not have to feed until day 45 after transplanting. After that it is a constant feeding.


Active Member
Hey Snickersbar, I will be growing that same strain for my next grow too. Sorry, cant really help out too much as I have not done a successfull grow yet, I can only say that for feeding I waited approx 2-3 weeks in my case.
i start adding nutrients when the plant gets its 3 leaved leaves. Start weak though.
Thanks for the advice. I will probably be ready to transplant by then. I will start with a weaker mixture and increase at weakly intervals

Hey Snickersbar, I will be growing that same strain for my next grow too. Sorry, cant really help out too much as I have not done a successfull grow yet, I can only say that for feeding I waited approx 2-3 weeks in my case.

Thanks and good luck with your grow. Since this is my first indoor grow I was lucky to get free seeds from a friend. I wasn't about to use my expensive stock that I normally use for outdoor grows just in case I screw up


Well-Known Member
Sounds good.
Indoor grows usually include odor control. Not sure if this is a concern for you, but this is one of the things to consider when you move inside.
Sounds good.
Indoor grows usually include odor control. Not sure if this is a concern for you, but this is one of the things to consider when you move inside.
thanks for stopping by!

Yeah I think I'm going to have to do something about odor control. Right now I am pretty much set up with a passive exhaust into a bathroom exhaust pipe. When I transplant to the 5 gallon pots I will probably install a basic exhaust fan into the same spot where the passive exhaust hole is cut.