First indoor grow -- stealth


Active Member
Heres my first go at some indoor grow. Gonna be full from start to end, hope it goes as planned. I'd appreciate anything anyone has to say, good or bad. Its my first indoor grow so how bad could it go. I'm not going all out. I'm gonna first test out my stealth grow newbie skills and see how big I can go from there.

(Camera phone...broke digital, getting a new one soon)

Day 1 -- Germinating 3 4way and 1 Grapefruit Haze

Day 3 -- Seeds start to show life

Day 5 -- Germinating seeds transferred to medium(soil)

Day 7 -- Seedlings start to poke through soil. Transferred to PC grow box(having doubts)

Here are the babies so far, 2 4way sprouted and the 1 grapefruit haze.
Day 10



Active Member
Yeah it is aluminum foil, I put it on backwards(shiney side out) accidentally. They will only be in there for 4-7 days, then I am moving them into my dresser.


Active Member
I got some mylar but it's nowhere to be found :wall: After I move them out of the PC box I'm gonna finish it, the light in there is only temp, I have 2 tubes and a rack to raise and lower the plants.


Active Member
They seem to be doing great, going onto their seconds leafs now. but they keep pointing up......lack of something? or too much of:?: