first indoor grow


i am growing an unknown seed from a bag of good nuggs. its about 4 weeks old and is only 6in tall. its starting its 3 set of leaves but the leaves r small. i have it on a 24 hour light scheldule with a 75 watt cfl rigged up with a 3 way socket and wired up with an extension cord. not tryin to be fancy i got it in the closet with the walls lined with foil and the light is about 18 in above the plant. sumone help me out please. here r sum pics/Users/stacistewart/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Originals/2010/Oct 14, 2010/Photo 5.jpg
/Users/stacistewart/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Originals/2010/Oct 14, 2010_4/Photo 2.jpg /Users/stacistewart/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Originals/2010/Oct 14, 2010_3/Photo 3.jpg /Users/stacistewart/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Originals/2010/Oct 14, 2010_2/Photo 4.jpg


can sumone please give me some input on my plants growth. the pictures of my grow are on my profile album