First Indoor Grow


Active Member
I started these from seed not to long back im guessing between one and two weeks ago. Grown in a closet with cfls. Waiting for a 400w hps to come in the mail... along with some bug spray as i think i see some bug damage in the second pic.

question tho... some of the leaves feel plasticy almost like fake plant style... whats that from? (shown in the third pic) they seem almost dehydrated even tho the soil is somewhat moist.





I am glad i found this site tho! it has a lot of useful info. Big ups!


Active Member

My 400w HPS came in the mail!!1! woot!

I finished up my grow closet... I also transplanted one from the pot into its own separate one. Look pretty good. Just waiting for a portable air conditioner to get here to keep the temps down! At one point it was 95*f! a little adjustment of fan placement and light distance and now we are back to nice cool 84*f.

It looks like the tips of my leaves are turning yellow whats that from?

