First intake in 30 years


New Member
So it's been about 30 years since I quit smoking pot. Recently harvested some Ata Tundra somewhat early, and dried quickly without a cure. Purchased a vaporizer and did 2-3 draws of this pure Indica strain at 383 deg F.

Now most old men like to say how good the old days were - well I'm here to tell you these are the good old days. Sh*t just got real, lots of head rush, and nice trippy feeling when I close my eyes and shut my mind down. Can still function - cooked up some strawberry jam (REAL SWEET) and tabouli with fresh mint (NICE SMELL) and managed to wash the dishes without breaking a single dish! 3 hours later the effects are less intense, but still noticeable.


Well-Known Member
Man, I can only imagine. I am just about 50 and when I was in 7th and 8th grade, shwag was about all there was where I was located. The first time a dude brought me a gram for 20 bucks, I almost had a, then I took a hit and pretty much never made mention of it again, that was until I ran out.

Peace and Welcome Back to the Game :eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
Wow, your first hit in 30 years? And with a vaporizer? You totally have your finger on the pulse of modern THC intake techniques, Old-timer!

Welcome home.


Well-Known Member
Good times! Welcome to RIU and welcome back to the wonderful world of Cannabis, the Ganja Gods smile upon your return!

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...if you make jam like you formulate paragraphs, the people around you must be enjoying the good stuff, too.

...welcome to riu :)


New Member
Thanks for all the nice responses. It's great to be back in the world of Marijuana - I especially like the horticultural aspects of my new hobby. Harvest days are coming up with plenty of strains to evaluate with my vape. I need so little of the stuff right now I may have to give it away!