First Leaves Shrivlling Up And Gray


Active Member
first time grower, recently bougt some lowrider 2 seeds planted one 4 days ago its shown the first leaves and the 2 cannabis leaves but the round leaves are shriviling up and going a greyish brown colour... can anybody help me plz? :cry:



New Member
Those little round leaves will die off. It's normal. They are just starter leaves and once the plant develops actual leaves it doesn't need them anymore.

Yours does look rather young for this, so maybe it's something else.

OK so that was no help at all, I'll just smoke another bong and be quiet over here in the corner.


Active Member
Let it go for a while..See what happens..The sun might be just a little to strong for her..try putting her in the shade until she gets use to that heat! I mean it could be something else, so dont quote me..well good luck with your grow!:peace:


Well-Known Member
You need to get rid of the clear container your using, roots don't like light.
Did you cut some drain holes?


Active Member
Thanks everyone for the help! yer it was out side for a pretty long time and it was hot iv took it out of the sun and put it in the shade and changed the pot to a black 7" pot. seems to still be a live as its still standing strong but after 3 days hasnt grown much is this normal? thanks


Well-Known Member
for the first 2 weeks its not uncommon to have little vegetative growth in the seedling because its focusing more on developing its root mass, so the more you transplant it (you only did it once) the more it has trouble deveolping its roots and plants will stay smaller longer, but just dont bother her again for a while and let her get a good support system going

but once it gets a good root system youll just see your plants grow explosivley and before you know it youll be ready to put it in flower... well its a lowryder 2 so itll go into flower by itself but you know what i mean

good luck and keep posting more