First medical grow, 600w hps, 5 plants, 2 LSD fem, 3 bagseeds unknown strain.

Hey guys, i'm a first time grower and frankly i have no idea what i'm doing. Other than the(what seems to be) endless amount of literatur i've been reading on the subject, i have no real life experience. I'm in week 4 of flowering right now and have 10 000000000 questions that i can't find the answer to. I'm growing primarely to make hemp oil or budder(haven't decided yet) for my insomnia. Doctors have had me on a dozen different sleeping pills over the last 2 years and frankly, they're not really working. Had friend give me a hash brownie a few months ago and i slept like a baby that night. I immediately started looking into the medical values of cannabis and was blown away by the information i found. This really looks like a miracle plant. Anyway, back to the grow.

I have 5 plants, 2 of them i got from a friend(Barneys LSD feminized) And the other 3 was some seeds that a friend found in some bag weed. The weed was good so i just germinated them aswell as the LSDs. They all turned out to be girls but i'm still a little sceptical of the bagseeds cause there were only 3 seeds in a bag with 5 grams of weed. Could they be hermie? I dunno. Please take a look at the pics. the 2 biggest ones in the back are the LSDs so they're cool. It's the three in the front that i'm a little worried about. Also they are all getting the same nutes(GHE flora series) But the fan leaves all look different in color and i don't really know what to make of it. Also some of the fan leaves have little holes in them wtf? Please feel free to ask questions and comment on what i should/shouldn't do. They are all in 10 liter hempy buckets consisting of a 60/40 mix of clay pellets and coco.:hump:



Well-Known Member
ill go ahead and say you have been pretty damn responsible about your reading up on the subject deff. props for that. and the plants themselves look great. kiss method all the way. keep it simple stupid. your method has been working. just remember that curing will make and break your grow. make sure you read up on the cure and go about it the right way. otherwise a+ man.
okay, what do you think about adding mylar to the waals? They are allready white and i read that white reflects 94% while mylar reflects 97% But i dont know if that's true. Also what do you think of the holes in the fan leaves? thx for the compliments bro.


Well-Known Member
i stick with my white walls on my grow, seems to be pretty good for me. id say stick with the white. as for the holes i have no idea what that is but i guess your best bet would be to keep an eye on it and if it spreads more than you should take action. id say check under the leaves for anything unusual, i know the spider mites like to hide under the leaves. but it could be some sort of nute problem. are you using nutes?
yes im using a shit load of nutes, ghe flora series ++ i don't think it's spider mites cause it's just effecting two of the plants and they also seem to be the weakest ones. I'll just stick with the white walls. I have a ton of mylar but won't bother with it seeing as i've read alot of threads putting it down. thx.


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt worry about those holes, im sure its nothing. Nice plants looks lie you are getting the hang of it :) Amd yeah wait a a couple weeks and keep checking the budding areas for male flowers, sometimes when they come out in the middle of female flowers they look slike little bananas sticking out.
That's great, i'll keep a look out! I have a question about the size of the pots, they are 10 liter/2,5 gallon buckets. I'm wondering sinse i didn't veg and vent straight to flower, are they overkill? Will the plants utilise the full 10 liter space or would something smaller like 6,5ltr be enough? I have some 20 liter/5gallon buckets and was thinking of maybe doing 4 plants in each bucket next time with no veg, i dunno.


Well-Known Member
I think its a little bit of overkill especially since your plants arent topped and have only one cola. Ive read thats its really not recommended putting more than one plant in each pot.
so if they were topped they would need/use bigger pots for roots? Speaking of topping is it worth it? From the guides i've read alot of people say if you top you just redisttribute the yield from the one main cola onto several smaller colas, all in all you yield the same. Others say that's not true. i dunno


Well-Known Member
Well... I meant topping in that you would get a larger bushier shorter plant. A lot of times if you dont top you just get one big cola going up. I prefer to have a bunch of colas to better utilize the space and the lighting.
So i've been trying to upload some more pics for my updates, but when choosing "add files" and then "select files" nothing happens. "select files" used to open up a list that let me upload from my computer but now nothing happens. Anyone else have the same situation? :confused: