First Monster Plant Grow

hey everyone im starting my first monster plant grow with my 4 Ft tall 4 Ft round chocolope about 60 tops on it (ill post pics later) in a 200 gal prune pot planted in the ground i found a local soil and compost place that im going to be getting that from the compost is made out of fruits, vegetables, trees, etc. im going to mix it 50/50 with soil i wanted to know if that's going to be enough or is there more i need to add to it? im building my own green house its going to be a 20ft x 20ft x 15ft wood structure wrapped in commercial grade plastic with exhaust fans and air conditioner (it gets wayy to hot in the summer 115%+ on some days) and i was thinking of using 300w cfl lights to supplement lighting so i can keep an 18/6 light cycle but im not sure. im also going to be growing an afgoo, a blue skywalker, and my own strain chocolate daddy in 20 gal pots with the bottoms cut out planted in the ground using advanced nutrients heavy harvest (i want to give em a shot) any advice is greatly appreciated! pics of everything coming later will be starting a journal about this. all the energy used in this grow will be generated from windwills that im building and all materials left over afterwords are going to be recycled 100% eco&organic grow
(except for the advanced nutes plants im not sure if advanced is organic)


Well-Known Member
Not sure if compost and soil is enough , I use 40% manures 20%perlite 20% potting mix and 20% worm castings and compost , and Iv been growing some healthy plants lately. Also make sure you throw in a tablespoon of lime for every 4 gal to improve the ph. Good luck!


New Member
I grew an 8' in a 20 gal. Save money if you don't want to drop so much

The above posted gave a good mix ration. Hell you can use worm casting tea and bat guano and ditch the chemicals man. If there in ground you really don't need chemicals go organic
I grew an 8' in a 20 gal. Save money if you don't want to drop so much

The above posted gave a good mix ration. Hell you can use worm casting tea and bat guano and ditch the chemicals man. If there in ground you really don't need chemicals go organic
i know but im planting in 3 weeks and letting them grow out all summer myy plants in a 5 gal already and unfortunately root bound ill be root bound way before flowering . im planning on looking at a 10 foot tall at least 8 pound monster when everything is said and done off my one plant. im trying to get ahold of my friend who grows plants like this for a living but i haven't been able to so im getting on forums asking around. my monster is going to be organic but i was going to use chemical nutes for my others but your right i think ill do my others organic too


Well-Known Member
Sub'd. I gotta see this collieman! 60 tops already, shootin' for 10ft and you're gonna supplement with CFLs! The greenhouse is gonna be a sight to see as well, cheers! :bigjoint:
Sub'd. I gotta see this collieman! 60 tops already, shootin' for 10ft and you're gonna supplement with CFLs! The greenhouse is gonna be a sight to see as well, cheers! :bigjoint:
yea i have all the supplies for the greenhouse its gonna be a strong one lol the frame is going to be wood with adjustable cross wire i guess you could call it its so i can pull the wood structure even tighter together in high winds ( ill have a full detailed journal from the beginning when i start) and its going to be wraped in chicken wire with the commercial grade plastic over it with exaust fans at the top, air conditioners at all four walls (possibly just 2 depending on what kind i get) to keep the green house cool, 8-12 300w cfls to supplement my lighting and bam you got your self one hell of a green house lol. yea and if youve never grown chocolope its a very branchy takes to lots of toping ( thats why i have 60 tops lol hhaha) loves to get bent out very fast grower and very high yielder . with my strain i created with it chocolate daddy im hoping to porduce a very high yelding gdp ( its gdp x chocolope)
so i went to my buddys house yesterday (he WAS taking care of some of my plants) and my chocolope is dead!!!! so is my blue sky !!! im so pissed off right now i dont know what im going to do
my monster plant project is going to have to be made a little smaller unless i can find someone selling a mother plant for cheap
this is all i have left my afgoo and all my chocolate daddy seedlings ( i only have one sprouted i have about 9 more im waiting on) im pritty sure the only reason i have these left is becuse i took them days ago .my plants died in the worst case of spider mites ive ever seen my afgoo has em but ive gotten rid of most of em so far