First Nations Canada Cannabis Self Regulation

Should Canadians have the right to choose to purchase from First Nations Cannabis Dispensaries?

  • No the Government knows what's best for us and we should pay the tax.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I just can't decide.

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Numerous First Nations people across Canada are forming their own Cannabis regulations and practicing their right to self government and self determination. In light of the coming regulations in Canada Bill C45 failed to include First Nations.

The writers of Treaties, which originate from the beginning of the colonization period have always maintained the position that First Nations are the sovereign keepers of North America and the use of Land entitlement by way of Treaty is to be considered as privileged. Native American people protected by Treaties are able to sell tobacco products outside of any government regulation. Why would cannabis which is much less harmful as a substance be any different?

First Nation marijuana dispensaries are here to stay. They will preserve the quality and integrity of this great herbal medicine by circumventing corporate control which may involve being federally regulated to only provide government approved (made by Monsanto) GMO frankinweed.

"As the sovereign Nations of Turtle Island, we possess inherent rights to self-determination.
Our right to self-determination means we have jurisdiction (the right, power and authority) to administer and operate our own political, legal, economic, social and cultural systems." source: Understanding First Nation Sovereignty

Funny enough I've heard of a couple places in Ontario with dispensaries on the reserves. Seems the ones been operating for over a year now.

I'm absolutely for it, especially considering the revenue it could bring in for them. What happens with the revenue generated is another topic.
I've had the opportunity to check out these dispensaries on a number of reserves and absolutely love them. Professionally run and very broad selection at some. I say keep up the good work guys!!
Funny enough I've heard of a couple places in Ontario with dispensaries on the reserves. Seems the ones been operating for over a year now.

I'm absolutely for it, especially considering the revenue it could bring in for them. What happens with the revenue generated is another topic.

In my community surplus revenue goes towards supporting local charities and community support.
Have you checked out Alderville cannabis dispensaries?
funny you should ask that was the first one I had ever gone to. Walked in thinking it was a Tabaco outlet and to my surprise it was something much better smelling lol. Been to Deseronto as well and the one out in Brant IMHO yours is the most professionally run but the ones in Deseronto have the largest selection (almost to large hard to choose) and the one in Brant is quite surreal great experience at all each having their own uniqueness. Again keep up the good work
In my community surplus revenue goes towards supporting local charities and community support.

All the more reason to support these businesses rather than ones under heavy government control. I'd rather the money I put in goes towards charities and community support than trying to bust people slightly over their plant count.

How does the revenue system work on a reserve for dispensaries? Seeing as tax isn't included. Or does a portion of profit get put away for infrastructure, etc?
Whites have done everything we can around the world to fuck native people over. When forced to give them something by white liberals the white conservatives steal it. Often before it leaves the bank or the warehouse. This included land, money, beef and more.

Nothing threatens a white like a Native or a black person making it big.
Whites lol you don’t speak for me . A few rich people fuck every one doesn’t matter the color . Natives will do a better job with Cannabis than the gov ever will . I’d support them over the government any day . I respect our first people not because of white guilt because there proud warriors.