first official grow - bagseed, drip irrigation hydro

hello to the Rollitup community, I've been a long time reader, but haven't posted much. this is my first grow. for my vegetative/clone room, I'm using t5 fluoro's with a blue spectrum that are on a 24/0 cycle. Currently, I have 5 plants that are 51 days old. I'm using the "recipe for success" that includes BC Grow, Boost, thrive alive B1 red, magiCal and sugar daddy. I have a 10 gal. reservoir and am using a drip irrigation system that currently is feeding 5x daily for about 5 minutes per feeding. I'm trying to keep the PPM of the solution around 1800 ppm max. My solution is kept around 5.9-6.2 pH and the temp. is a very consistent 74 F and I'm keeping the humidity around 65-68% with a cold air humidifier. I have them in grow bags currently and used rockwool for the original seedlings and put the rockwool into hydroclay once I put them in the grow bags. the room is 6' x 3' and about 8 feet tall. and I'm keeping it closed off with a plastic sheet with a zipper that I installed so the humidity stays up. I have a wall mounted oscillating fan on one side and a small duct fan bringing in fresh air from outside the grow room. oh, and I forgot to mention that I did top all the plants about a week ago.

So far, everything looks pretty good. I was hoping that I would see some preflowers by now, but none visible yet to the naked eye. I'm just using some bagseed that I had saved, so I'm not really sure what to expect as far as size or potency. my goal is to find 2 mother plants of the 5 that I have, and if I have more than 2 females, I will put the ones that I don't use for mothers into the flowering room, and use the mothers for cloning.

I'm not going to repost all the pics I took when they were younger, but will continue to post as they get older.

I'm a first time grower and would love any suggestions. I have read the jorge cervantes growers bible from front to back, and got most of my info from there, as well as some greenguy videos on you tube.


I'm psyched, I put 2 of the plants in flower about a week ago, because I was running out of room in the veg room and they are both showing pistils, yay!
so, I have 2 females in my flower room (ebb/flow) and I'm feeding them every 3 hours for 3 minutes a feeding. the nutes fill the tub about 2/3 of the way, and when flooded, it only goes up about 1/3 of the way to the top of the rockwool, if that. After 8 days in flower, I see female preflowers. I'm keeping the temp around 75F and the humidity between 45-55%. I'm using a 95 CFM squirrel cage fan that is mounted outside of the room on the opposite side of where the intake fan is bringing in fresh air, near the bottom of the floor. I have 1 oscillating fan and one stationary fan on opposite sides of the room. These plants have really fluffed up since putting them in flower, I was originally putting them in there because i ran out of room in the veg room, but they might turn into pretty good yields. what do you guys think? looking for any tips or pointers for a 1st time grower

