first oustide grow wit NYCD/chronic and NL


Active Member
:roll:this is my first outside grow wit either NYCD or chronic for da main course and NL for starters:blsmoke:

yummmmmmmmm starter:mrgreen: ummm NL

any coments, lectures:evil: is welcome.......well we learn from our mistakes:roll:

by the way am new 2 dis site and can som1 tell me how ta post pics up. ooo can i post pics from my phone ave to get a camera

am so lookin forward 2 dis grow


Active Member
okkk am not goin for chronic now to expensive:evil: its 50 on sites and 75 quid in my local head shop :cuss:

so now am deciding on AK48 and p.p.p....but its still early so am thinking now:joint:


Active Member
three day now the seed been in da soil
had 10 seeds of NL
nine pop out and da other 1 had a accident......and was lost

i would put the pics up but don't know how ta.....i mean i upload it and everything but cnt put it on da post
help wit this would be great.....gettin new seeds next week don't know which 1 yet


Well-Known Member
Tanno- If you're looking for seeds that are 100% worth every second of effort, you should look into Kali Mist. Consumer Reports say this is one of the best and most potent strains known to man ;). A bit expensive maybe, but killer bud. I'll be watching these NL babies, you can't ever go wrong with Northern Lights. Good luck!