First outdoor grow, looking for input.

Hey guys, So Ive got my first outdoor grow going right now. Ive got 9 plants... maybe 10(ill explain in about the older one) and i was just looking to get some other opinions on how they're doing, when to cut them, when to start flushing or anything else really.

A bit of a background

I started out at 13 seedlings and one plant that was about 400-450 days old that survived in my room from last year

about the old one...
Skip to next title unless you're interested. its kinda a side bar
I didn't put it outside because it seemed to start too slow and wouldn't have had enough time to finish anything really worth it i didn't think, i wanted to preserve the genetics of it but had no setup for an indoor grow, or knowledge yet to clone it. so what i did was kept it alive in my bedroom with a 7 watt LED bulb for the first 6 months and i stepped up to a 23 watt CFL later on. I kept it in veg the entire time without a timer or anything just turning the light on each day. i missed a few but it didn't seem to affect it much at all, didn't Herme, or attempt to start flowering. come may 24 (planting time where i live) it was if i remember correctly 7'4" with essentially only a stalk and some fan leaves in a 12" pot i believe(i stuck the cord of the light between the fingers of some of the leaves and that was enough to support it.) it had very minimal wind. a light fan in the last two months when i remembered.

a few of my friends helped me carry it down to where i was going to plant it and we put it in the ground. drove a t post beside it and slid a 10' PVC pipe over the t post and finally secured it in 3 spots with just some ripped t shirt pieces we had on hand for rags as a temporary support( which became permanent out of sheer laziness.) when we planted it we put the stem/roots about 2.5' down thus covering about 2' of the stem in soil, ensured it was well watered as we back filled to the root bed and hoped for the best. it had some pretty bad shock from carrying it as far as we did and the trans plant with the top 1' or so above the last point that was secured drooping down pretty bad, the next day it it was in more of a sideways s shape, and within 3 days was standing upright again with only a slight curve the way it was leaning. so with the roots and about 2' of stem completely in the soil the plant stood at around 5' tall now.

A quick visual of the area this was planted in

I live on the top of a hill, have a large valley in my back yard at the bottom of which we've got a nice flat area there's a built pond from a natural river and the soil is 4' deep of the blackest soil you've ever seen. sitting on top of clay. i planted the plant 3/4 of the way down of the man made hill/wall supporting the pond. we've recently put in another pond as well a bit further down to try and dry the area up a bit, as it is often flooded and was swampy(why i planted 1/4 of the way up the hill not on the base) but this other pond directed most of that moisture to the south side of the valley basin creating more of a stream rather than a 20' wide swampy area. this in conjunction with us clearing the area led it to grow grass in that area the last 2 years instead of weeds and snake weed. (which is what was there growing and dying for 15-20 years undisturbed) so i was not worried about the roots being too deep and not getting enough water.

This plant grew absolutely insanely, it had very nice steady growth, the bottom branches were coming out at about 7' long from the bottom( i didn't give it any silica so some got too heavy before it was even flowering and were starting to come off. but i wasn't too concerned because they weren't coming out of the plant on an angle it was more horizontal because they had to grow out first, and i was going to trim them when i transplanted to begin with but didn't. so i accounted it to that.

near the end of august this plant was just getting to the top of the PVC pipe at 10' tall for most of its growth tips. i negligently didn't secure the new 5' of growth or anything higher up and we got a bad storm( tornado hit about 5km south of me) and it ended up breaking the main stem right down about 1 foot above my last secured point. this put a lot of weight on the branches it fell on, which caused them to basically all get puled half out. putting weight on the next one causing it to come down too, I'm assuming in a probably spiral type pattern ha ha.
I attempted my best to fix the top and re attach most of the branches with tape, did an okay job, went and checked 2 days later but the top and 2 other branches that got half pulled were dead.
the rest of my supports dropped back down and were resting on each other again. only two branches remained standing. but even though they were down they were still clearly alive and tips were growing back to the light as opposed to the 3 dying parts. this plant was in early flower( pre buds) which seemed about 3 or 4 weeks behind the others (im assuming because of age) which is why i say maybe 10 plants, because i haven't been back down to check on this one since, i quit giving it nutes and whatnot, its in a completely separate location from my other plants so i don't see it when i check them and just kinda decided to leave it and if it grows any cool, if not whatever. even if its shitty i can use it for concentrates. this was more a fun experiment so i wasn't really too upset.
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About the main 2018 crop
Skip to here if you didn't want to read the sidebar

Skip this if you just want to see pics of now lol
none of the seeds were purchased, all just collected over a few years, some named, some known but not from named stuff and some random ones i didn't know the name of i just threw all together in a pill bottle if it came from decent enough stuff.

I didnt get them started until later, i had no intentions on growing this year until i randomly one night decided to when i got a seed from some amazing pineapple and germed them(late April i think) i started 12 - two of the pineapple ( i got 6 total from it over 6 months / prob a hp of it), 1 master kush, 1 blue diamond, 4 randoms, 3 of some kind of kush i had and 1 alien dog.

I was pretty negligent when germinating, the paper towel dried out 2 or 3 times, and i left them way longer than i should have becasue i forgot to be honest. ( about a week maybe more total)
suprisingly, when i finally remembered and got to them they were all still alive. the tap roots were near two inces and i only started them in an egg carton cause i didnt have anything ready. and put them under a 100w led just in my room. i didnt want to buy pots because id rather not buy things i can get around purchasing so i also cut 12 2l bottles i saved into pot shapes and gave them some drain holes. asfter 4 or 5 days in the egg carton one morning the blue diamons and alien dog just fell over after they had all started to seem they were perking up so i put them into the bottles immideatly. only 9 survived ( i think)
1 pineapple, 1 blue diamond, master kush, 3 of the random kushes and 3 randoms. around this time i also started another 8 or 9 seeds figuring i had 8 left, half would be male.
i did 2 more pineapple and some randoms and a few extra i thought looked immature but were named.

both pineapple made it, germinating in what seemed to be 24 hours, certianly less than 48 ready to go into soil, (which were actually ready this time)
the rest came in over the next 2 weeks, the last one germing on day 12 i think and i gave up on the rest.
all said and done i had 14 seedlings growing under a 100w led on 24 hours for a week, then starting bringing them outside when i could and bringing them in most nights sometimes with lights.
i got a timer eventually and got it switched to only be only for 18 hours regardless of how much sun they had so if i forgot they still had enough light/.

it took me a while to get my holes ready, i built/cut a new path through part of my bush about 200m long to my selected location, drove the backhoe out there and dug my holes. collected soil from my valley and mixed in some vermiculite and per-lite to aerate it and filled my holes back in. they were about the size of a backhoe bucket and them fixed up in shape a bit. probably 2ft deep. and finally was ready to transplant. but i lost about 3 weeks to a month of in ground veg and they were on the verge of becoming root bound. but all quite healthy.

they went in the ground mid June i believe ( should have been 1 month old plants out earlier in may with a cover .. will do next year) they have been getting from 30-50l between all of them since about then slowly increasing as they seemed to need it. i don't feed on a schedule either, i just try to do it twice a week, and water whenever they need, so a minimum of twice with nutes and usually a max of 4 times 2 with and 2 without. theyve come along quite diverse and healthy. Ive learned more than i ever could have by reading it( although it helps to put things into context haha)

I ended up getting 5 males, including all 3 of the pineapple that made it past seedling( i know right, how unlucky. i bet the one i lost was f) i pulled 2 and brought the pineapples out of the ground and flowered them inside and collected their pollen dried and froze it. i ended up with a LOT of pollen.

I havent really followed their flowering times because its been quite sporatic which im okay with for this year. i have one that started flowering in june before it even went into the ground, although its stil not done, it was actually quite weird and is my furthest along and most defined and i would say almost done. it actually turned out really nicely and id liek to breed it for its early flowering into my pineapple.

so with that i guess lets get into...
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I dont have enough time to sort all my pictures and everything right now, so i will continually update this as i get time over the weekend. for now ill just upload the closest ones for opinions. Thanks, and Sorry.

An intro to the plants
pictures start here ;)

1. Random seed
long&early flowering / very long dense buds / sativa looking / incredible bud to leaf ratio

2. Blue Diamond
TRAITS: shorter but bushy, nice managable shape, dense, close together bud sites, lost of tricome locations

3. very tall sativa looking plant - Random kush(some kush, buddy didn't know exactly which, but taste was there)

TRAITS: Tall, stretched it seems, magenta hairs, noticeable kush smell during flowering, mid-early flower(2nd to start)

4. Medium height, fat plant - Random seed

TRAITS: Mid height, very dense lerge buds, lots of bud sites, thick stems indica looking

These are the four that seem to be furthest along so far. i dont think any are done yet, but as of right now im thining #1 will be finished first in 1-3 weeks, and i think #3 will be about the same time. Then im thinking Blue diamond and #4 will finish up within a week after that.

Id love to know what you guys think, when i should begin the flush, should i flush them all together, or do each one as i think its starting to get closer.
I also have an okay digital microscope for zooming on tricomes, but i have to remove parts to bring them inside or its basically useless. so thus far ive only really taken off fan leaves to check, which are seeming to be close, but the calyx's tricomes dont seem to be quite as far. ill start taking samples of some here soon. possibly upon your suggestions.

Well, that's it for now. I will take some better and more organized pictures of all of them and get them uploaded eventually, but Ive got to go for now.

Thanks all, and Happy Growing!
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New reserved #4 ( for the rest of harvest/finished pics)

Okay that should be more than enough... haha feel free to give some input if you'd like or comments or whatever! thanks for checking out the thread
The trichs don't lie.
Try to view them from the side, easier to tell if they're fully cloudy.
#1 and #3 are worth scoping daily (but could probably wait a week), the rest got a couple weeks, I'd say.
The trichs don't lie.
Try to view them from the side, easier to tell if they're fully cloudy.
#1 and #3 are worth scoping daily (but could probably wait a week), the rest got a couple weeks, I'd say.

here is a scope on #4 - simply because i had to cut the top cola from a bit of bud rot starting 2 days ago. so this has been screen drying for 2 days.

*EDIT* When i see this, i see about 60% of the trics showing whiteish, 40% still clear, and the amber ones seem to be the lower down tricomes closer to the plant, so ive been trying to ignore them until now haha, Suggestions? *EDIT*

ill go get some samples from #1 & 3 this afternoon, any suggestions on how to remove part of the calyx's to scope inside? where from? etc, ive only been taking sugar leaves until now...
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You only have this camera scope?
I just peer into the nooks and crannies without removing anything.
yeah its all ive got for now, i can use my phone, which can get 4k resolution and zoom 4x. but its quite hard to keep steady. i need a loupe, i know haha. but this is just a cheap digital microscope i had