first outdoor grow~strain and soil questions


A buddy and I are growing outdoor next year and I want to make the best of it. I've watched a bunch on grow videos n stuff n think I'm ready but I really want some input from some1 really experienced. My first question is: is it better to make my own soil compound?

Illegal Smile

There are a lot of stickys to read on getting started. The forums are more for specific questions. Go to outdoor growing and do some reading first. Videos are good for process but but nuts and bolts are best in print, then you can mark them for later reference.


get 5 gallon buckets, dig holes, and put the buckets in them for emergency transportation, ive had to move mine without a bucket, and it sucked!
pick a place with great light, and if you can find a local water source, some people will run a hose over from a stream over by the plants and create a self watering system.
dont tell anyone, my friend had 21 female big bangs, a "friend" got mad and ripped them all, 2 weeks before harvest.
ive heard june 1st is the best time to start your girls. goodluck