First Outdoor Grow

I got one blue cheese seed growing outside right now i used fox farm soil. It looks like it is doing ok ive topped it and i accidently snapped two offshoots trying to super crop i stoped after that and decided to just go to the tie down method. here are some pictures. Also i saw some little white hairs :) early signs off female just hope it doesnt turn hermi.


thanks hopefully the offshoots i snapped heal i tied them together and supported them with a stake hopefully the buds turn put good n sticky guess ill find out when the plant tells me shes ready


Active Member
Your going to want to put the plant inside on a 12/12 schedule to finish if its starting to flower (showing the pistils) because its too early for that baby to start flowering if your going to leave it outside. The days are only getting longer now and it will mess up the plants cycle. I live in northern Cali. and my ladies started flowering too because I started too soon outdoors. If your going to leave it outside, try and revert her back to veg state. Pinching off all the pistils and giving it a nice Nitrogen rich fertilizer helped for me and now mine are back in veg state. The best thing that can help would be to force more light onto the plant by giving it a little more light after dark as well, I didn't do that because now the days are long enough for me. You'll get a monster if you get her back to veg tho. Other than that, overall health looks great!
yea its just a very small pistil i saw its not flowering yet i started early too but i just looked at the plant really good the other day no bugs and came across that little pistil just to tell me shes a female


Active Member
Yeah the pistils are the first sign of the beginning of the flowering stage of a female. You can't tell the sex of a plant until it's in flowering stage unfortunately. But it is definitely early enough for you to revert her back.


Oh yeah, I don't know where your concern is other than the parts growing back, I'd give it around 15 days and it'll be back to good health.


Well-Known Member
With the days getting longer everyday, just leave her outside. She should continue vegging.


Well-Known Member
Nice looking girl. After it get's about 3ft or so I would put it into a way bigger pot. Then keep topping it like you're doing and it will turn into a huge bush! That will make your yeild incredible.
GEDC0063.jpgGEDC0064.jpgthese pictures were taken before i topped everything i will have more pictures up once there is growth again plant is looking health all the branches that were snapped grew back and strong tell me what you think

