first outdoor organic soil grow.


Well-Known Member
im growing some delicious mexican bagseed. this was some of the mosst delicious weed i ever smoked. seriously. it ws gold in color and smelled sweet kindov like cantalope.
im growin in south texas where it can get pretty hot and humid during summer. im growing in the ground and need some tips. hereis my soil mix

2 gallons of of mg organic choice
1 galln of rich soil from my garden.
1 1/2 gallons of worm castings
1 gallon of perlite
2/3 cgallon of pebble size volcanic rock for extra aeration
1/2 cup of blood meal
1/2 cup of bone meal
1/4 cup of epson salts
1/3 cup of wood ash
1/3 cup of dolomite lime

i dug a hole a little bit bigger than a 5 gallon bucket. should the next holes be bigger? i was going to dig more but i got a bit lazy. is this mix any good? what should i ammend? what should i remove. i already planted 1 plant but still have 6 more seeds.


Well-Known Member
For efficient quick growing plants, perlite is your best friend! Lots of growers including me use perlite percentages of 30-50%... however the more perlite you put in, a weird effect happens. When you water in lots of water, the perlite has a tendencacy to float to the top... this can be coutnered by layering the top of your soil with 1" of normal non additive soil

Sounds like a good mix though... you can probably add more bone/blood meal