FIRST PLANT! How Does She Look So Far?

I've been nursing back to health a vanilla kush clone... not sure how long it was stuck in a closet before transplant. Sittin in happy frog potting soil with GH MaxiGro nutrients every other feeding. (every 4 days). Thought i had a mold problem. treated with Serenade non-toxic disease control (which I think might be working...). Anyways, im hoping with these decent pics that I can get some input on how she's doin... not sure when to switch to the MaxiBloom.. thanks for your time :)



Well-Known Member
looks like its a little stretched out from being in the closet other than that it looks ok for your first plant its a little small. if you grow outdoor next year start a couple months earlier.


Well-Known Member
What kind of yeild could he expect to get from a plant this size this late into the season?


Well-Known Member
I think she'll be okay, she should start flowering pretty much straight away. I would guestimate if everything goes well you'll get an ounce plus, but maybe you should top it to get another cola working there. Then just get rid of those crappy little leaves at the bottom and grow two big colas. Oh, and it looks like you got thrips as well. One of the leaves is showing white streaks on it which tends to be thrips. When they get bigger you will see them, they move quite quickly though. So try to get something for that. I use diatomeacious earth on top of the soil and a bio spray i get from the local garden store, there are many around, most are neem or rape seed oil based. Good luck, DST
Thank you for your input, much appreciated. Not too sure what thrips is? Im a little low on cash as the moment is there a cheaper remedy to get rid of them? AND still wondering when to use the MaxiBloom..during flowering state only??


Well-Known Member
thrips are bugs that will chew on your plant get some insecticide and kill those little bastards and yes i think maxibloom is just for the flowering stage but im not %100 percent sure about that.