First plant starting to grow awkwardly.


Well-Known Member
Well a few weeks ago i found a seed in my bag, i planted and it has been growing like a champ, i just now woke up and it looks like a freak of nature, i'll get pictures if i can find my phone.

So anyway i wanted to know if anyone knows how to fix this? Do i need to stake it up and why the fuck is the tip of the plant doing what it's doing.

^^ That's showing the very top of it.

So yeah... the only thing i think of is to stake it up, but i honestly have no clue how to do so without destroying it.


Active Member
Yea that's random; unless the pot is not directly under the light, then it would kind of make sense. All that you have to do is train it back to an upright position. You can do this a bunch of different ways. One way is to drill a hole in the very top of the pot (opposite from which way the plant is leaning), attach a string through the hole and then to your main stem. Pull it half-way one day, and the rest of the way the next day. You can also use hooks that go into the soil to train your plant. For my training, I cut a metal hanger into 5in. pieces and bend them each into a cane shape. I then attach the "canes" to shish kabob skewers with some duct tape. Then just push em into the soil where you need em. Either way, just do half the training initially and the rest of the training 24+ hours later. Hope this helps!


Well-Known Member
That plant is stretching out due to lack of light and fell over to the side because it's top heavy.

And since the top of the plant will try to grow towards the light source then it curved upwards.

You need to re-plant it deeper, all the way up to the first set of leaves and then get more light in the grow room and probably move the light source closer to the plant.


Well-Known Member
That plant is stretching out due to lack of light and fell over to the side because it's top heavy.

And since the top of the plant will try to grow towards the light source then it curved upwards.

You need to re-plant it deeper, all the way up to the first set of leaves and then get more light in the grow room and probably move the light source closer to the plant.
I don't feel comfortable with replanting it, because i have no experience doing it, any tips?


Well-Known Member
It looks like you plant has begun to LST (low stress train) itself with out your help. This could be a good thing if you take advantage of it. Look up LST in the search bar and read into it, you basically take you plant n bend the tops down so the lower growth gets more light and grows taller, when its all said n done your plant will look more like a flat surface than a christmas tree and you will get more bud. Also put ur light closer or put ur plant closer to your light, it will prevent that stretching, but i highly recommend LST alot of ppl do it with great results.


Active Member
i think you need to put some air on it to streghten it up a bit. if it is calm where your growing you will get this happening alot. you can just use a kabob stick and hold it up till it gets strong enough to stand on its own


Well-Known Member
:lol: i just wanted to look at my very first post, you guys have taught me so much since then :).