First post/dwc grow. Do I have a triploid? Plants light green 1 week in


Hello rollitup long time lurker turned member once I germed my seeds:mrgreen:
I have two small plants (one nothernlightsxskunk and one KlashnikovA) that I moved into my dwc buckets 6 days ago. Both were germinated by paper towel method and moved to rockwool that had been soaking in phed water when the tap root was about a quarter inch. They sprouted within a day under the "50 watt" light I was using. Taproot was half inch out of rockwool when moved into 6 inch net pots with cleaned and soaked hydroton. Water level sits about an inch about the bottom of the net pot. I've top fed with water from my res. a few times maybe once or 2 times a day.
My water temps have bin around 65-70
Only have bin using water with a Ph around 5.8-6.1 (tap water ppm is around 45)
Room temp is around 70
The 50 watt lamp broke 2 days ago so I turned on my 400w hps and have it about 3 feet away from top of buckets it's bright as hell but no uncomfterable heat even a good few inches above the top of bucket. I've lowered it a few inches a day. Yesterday I noticed the leaves were turning a light green maybe even yellow at tips. I'm wondering is the hps bleaching it or are the plants lacking something already, Or have i overwatered rockwool while top feeding here are 2 pictures I hope there not to big I can't resize them the first one is what I believe is a triploid and its the KlashnikovA and the second is the northern lightsxskunk. Bth were taken right after i top fed. pics are on day 6. I'm sorry if things are out of order , or if I left things out Thanks for your time



Well-Known Member
Any triploid I've seen or grown had three sets of leaves at each node instead of the normal 2.


Any triploid I've seen or grown had three sets of leaves at each node instead of the normal 2.
The plant in the first pic has that it's hard to tell from the angle but you can see 3 round leaves. And 3 rigid leaves but one of them is at an upwards angle.
any comments on the pale green color?
the round leaves are starting to yellow and dry up as a second set of leaves start to show are the plants telling me its time for low strength nutes? Still no sign of roots out of the netpot


Well-Known Member
Way too much light for such little girls. If using just tap now, there is no need to adjust ph. Raise the light and start very low nutes,125-150.


the hint is the three cotyledon . that one of yours looks to be a triploid.
ah thank you someone took a second to take a look.
dbkick the cotyledons are nearly all yellow and my second set of true leves are there but very tiny. Tips of first true leaves are a slight yellow. Time for 1/4 strength nutes? Opinions anyone?


Well-Known Member
Id use like 1/8th strength at this point.

If you're feeding nutes you do want to drop the PH to 5.8. If you're just using tap you do not have to because there aren't any nutes to absorb.

Your RW looks saturated in some places. Best watering technique for seedlings in rockwool is to dip the bottom real quickly into a pitcher or cup filled with your feed water. This also prevents algae and mold from growing on the top of your RW.

It's also a good idea to let the plant develop a good deal of roots before putting into buckets, put the water like 1-2 inches below net pot and put a layer of medium .5-1 inch thick on the bottom then put the RW on top and fill around it with rest of medium. I've seen roots hit water in as little as 48hours this way.


Thanks for the advice.ive bin reading so much about ph that I forgot I really didn't need to maintain it at the start lol. Before I put them in the buckets my taproots were nearly an inch out of rockwool, but still no signs of roots as I think I have my rockwool higher in my netpot then I should. The rockwool is wetter in spots because I got a little sloppy while top feeding because my water leave is a little above the bottom of netpot.

Thanks for all the help guys keep it coming


Well-Known Member
keep that triploid no matter if its male or not, they're supposed to be very special. I only saved like half a gram of pollen from mine but that should be enough to something with.