First post, first grow!


Well first off let me thank everyone out there, because of most of this website I've been able to get a good handle on a solid grow
To kudos to all!

The build I'm going with is a DWC/aeroponics/stealth hydro. I'll be putting a bubbler in the tub and running a tube to each basket.

Over the past few days I've been making some measurements and trying to decide on a good cabinet to build. I've got some room in the basement which I intend to fill

So the cabinet will be 6ft tall, 5 feet long, and 30" deep (2.5ft)
There will be a wall in the middle seperating each chamber into 6x2.5x2.5
On the side of the cabinet is a build in table, sitting at 3 feet tall, and under it is 2 smaller doors that sit at 30" deep, and 2 ft per side. One will be for the clones/mothers. The other side to hold my nutes/other supplies.

I don't have the tubs and such yet, I'm building the cabinet first so I know how long to run hose and the fan/exhaust setup.

Enjoy some pics, right now I'm just a carpenter.



Feeling a little motivated, I decided to go downstairs and move some things about and put the cabinet in the final resting place. Of course it needs more work but I mocked up the fitting and its looking pretty good!

I stuck a rubbermaid I already had lying around just to see how it sits, looks like I've got plenty of room there.

I left a small gap on the top between the ceiling so I've still got room to run some vents and possibly an air intake down through the top. The sides I think I'll leave sealed, if I run into any heat/moisture issues I'll put a vent in the side to help things out.

So far so good!



Well-Known Member
You are doing very good for a first-timer. Good luck with your grow. If you have any questions just ask. (pm me if you want)


Well-Known Member
Good Stay motivated bro! I promise there will be some let downs so dont let that stop you !!! Im a first grower as well, you seem to be on track. Keep it up, and keep those pictures coming.


I'm hoping to run 2 sets of plants on different cycles, and bring them in 1/2 way through. So about every 4-5 weeks it should be harvest time.
The setup of the DWC with the pumps and such looks pretty straight forward. I just need to do some more research on when/how to add the nutes and decide which ones to run with.

I'm kinda at a toss up for lights. I was originally thinking I'd do CFL lights since its very simple and heating won't be an issue. Though the more I read I'm kinda leaning toward HPS. I think just while I'm learning I'll go with the CFL, and maybe on the 2nd time around I'll try an HPS. I just don't want to have a noob moment and burn my house down... :shock:

As for a question... How long can you keep the clones in the cloning cabinet. If I just give them low light and not many nutes will they pretty much stay the same size until I transfer them over?


For those keeping tabs...

Tools used so far:

Circular saw
Cordless drill
Carpenter's square
Most of which I already owned, but I think the drill/saw was only around $100, the square and hammer maybe $20, odds and ends for nails and such probably another $20

So around $140 so far for tools

I also used about 5 or 6 pieces of 8 ft 2x4, which are only maybe $2.00ea at my local home depot
Plywood, I've used about 3 sheets now, priced at about $10 a sheet
I also picked up some spray foaming to fill the cracks, and some pieces of styrofoam for insultation, probably another $20 right there

Most of everything was stuff I had around from other builds, the whole cabinet so far is probably only around $60. Should need another 2 sheets of plywood, few more pieces of 2x4. I'm guessing the whole cabinet with vents and hooks, walls and such will still be under $100


Yes another update!

Ran downstairs to finish off some of the foaming. First time using it was just last night, I learned that you only need about 1/3 of what I thought I might need. It expands in about 2 hrs and when it does its huge. Afterwards I trimmed it with a utility knife, its very staticy so it sticks on everything, definitly a pain. Anyone who uses it I reccommend using a very tiny amount

See results definitly much better the 2nd time around. I stuck the first run in the pics too, much cleaner on round 2 :)



Well-Known Member
Looking great my friend! I would also leave it white. If anything, maybe go buy one of those reflectors that you put in your car window , so you can move it around if need be. GL and keep it up!


Thanks for the encouragement Boomstick, it's going along quite well. hopefully tomorrow I can run off to home depot and get some more 2x4's, and a few more sheets of plywood


Well-Known Member
ya man thats how it goes stealth hydro is the set up I like the 10 gallon tanks personally just easy to manage individually i like 3 mature plants a take and run two tanks that gives me about 3-4 oz a month of decent bud. I use 400 watts of cfls per tank but I'm thinking of pushing it up to six and true watt too. that pushes about 30000 lumens. but remember use cool blue cfls if your planning on going 12/12 with no veg. keep your mommy in a bubble bucket, and you will be just fine. I get contractors packs of them at home depot for like 23 bucks and thats 400 true watts right there of cool white 12x 26 watt 3600k 2600 lumen a piece bulbs


Bought some more 2x4's, didn't have room in the back of the truck for the plywood though, I forgot to clean out some junk.

Built the middle wall, except the plywood of course

henleyhaze > Sounds about right. I'm hoping to run the seeds for about 2 months, clip the clones and find the males, toss the males.

The moms go into the side cabinet and will never see the flower stage. The clones will get vegged another 2 months until flower time

Then eventually it'll be time for more seeds. I'd like to keep 4 strains going in the mom cabinet, and then clone to flower. Should be a straight forward setup, looking forward to the next few weeks when I can start buying the tubs and pumps/etc



Well-Known Member
absolutely you have the idea. listen when you start I'm assuming if your like most growers you wanted free weed years ago before you decided to grow it. if your making a separate flowering chamber go ahead and put some seeds right in it and go to 12/12 by the time your done sexing and and a few weeks into the clones flower cycle you will be smokin. you can sex right in the flower room and nick the males the roots wont grow to much together because they wont be all that large when they show sex.