First Post: Harvest Time?


Active Member
I'm new and this is my first post. I've been ultra paranoid about signing up but I had to do it.

First of all, I want to thank everyone for all the rippin' info here! I've been steathily perusing the forums here and I gathered enough info for my first grow.
I'm very small potatoes and I'm only taking one plant to maturity, but what a plant it is! The info here has helped me beat me best expectations, with just bag seed!

Here's the issue:
I really want to harvest today but I'm really torn. I made a mistake and cut off the nutes when I saw the first red hairs thinking I was two weeks out. Well, that was about 7 weeks ago. I've been giving straight water and weak nutes (200 PPM) since then. Now I'm getting mixed signals from my sheila. I'm going into week 11 since starting 12/12. The hairs are about 2/3 red but very few trichs are anything but clear. However, the leaves are yellowing all the way up and the cola is leaning badly.
What's also confusing is that while a lot of hairs are red, she keeps popping out with new, spindly flowers that are of course, white.
Should I go ahead and harvest now?

5 gallon pot with a soilless mix of 1/3 perlite, 1/3 vermiculite and 1/3 peat moss.

GH nutes

Growth stage: 100w MH with a T30 3' fluorescent in each corner, 5000K.

Flowering: 100w HPS with a T30 3' fluorescent in each corner, 3000K.

Pretty certain this is an Indica, maybe Northern Lights.

Thanks for any help!

I'd post pics, but I don't know how to strip data out of them.


Active Member
OK, I figured out how to remove the data but I don't know how to upload pics and I don't want to post them on a third-party site.


Have you been watering with nutes this entire week? You need to flush the last two weeks with straight water, and then you can cut. It leaves a harsh smoke taste and kills your lungs if you cut without flushing.

Looks like maybe a little underwatering.. (droopy leaves) and maybe heat burn of nute burn - with the yellowing/burnt leaves.

But the bud looks delicious!


Active Member

The max concentration I gave was 1000 PPM, a gallon once a week. Since I went to 12/12 she's only had water and 1 gallon of 200 PPM nutes with no grow nute, just flower and micro. She's had a gallon of water since then. Max temp inside is 85°F and usually not over 83° F. The smell used to smell good but with a tinge of chemical smell. Now she smells WONDERFUL! :D


Well-Known Member
visually speaking, i'd give it 2 weeks. but you need to go to radioshack n get a lil 10 dollar 60x-100x microscope and check the trichs.


Active Member
I can't seem to quote for some reason. I got one of the microscopes exactly like the one shown here. I haven't had much luck with it, too shaky and hard to steady. I got some jewelers loupes and they work pretty fair.


Well-Known Member
it all depeds on your strain you grow, i have been growing sterling haze which is supposed to flower for 11 weeks well it has already been that long and i still have 3-4 to go, give it 8 ml per gallon of gh flora micro and 16ml per gallon of flora bloom and your ppm should be around 1200-1400:joint:


Well-Known Member
it all depeds on your strain you grow, i have been growing sterling haze which is supposed to flower for 11 weeks well it has already been that long and i still have 3-4 to go, give it 8 ml per gallon of gh flora micro and 16ml per gallon of flora bloom and your ppm should be around 1200-1400:joint:
it depends on the ppm of the water before hand.
what strain u growin saucy?


It depends on the strand you have and how much yield you're trying to get.

I'm working with 'ak-47' and 'aussie blue' right now and its a 12 week process..4 weeks vegging, and 8 weeks flowering. at 10 weeks stopping all nutes and flushing with purified 6.5 fresh water..... I think this is the most popular, as well.

You're looking at 7 weeks on the 24th of July, and can let it go another week, would work out perfectly with your flushing too! She looks like another week won't do anything harmful to her :)


Active Member
I really don't know, it was bagseed but from a pretty good bag. Small, round buds with long red hairs, fluffy and dry with a fair amount of seeds but that's because I think it was a commercial crop grown in the Outback heat. The pH has been kept strictly at 6.3 and I adjusted the soilless with lime an it tested to within .1 of the input water before I used it.
So should I give more nutes this close to harvest?


Well-Known Member
So a little over 9 weeks or so? Flush her good, like they say and give it a week or so. But for the record, (depending on the strain) in general, you could start flushing around 6 or seven weeks and harvest at 8 or 9. But it's all up to preference and your type o' smoke. Good luck, the buds look absolutely fantastic.


Active Member
Thanks! That means a lot coming from you blokes! :)
She's right at 89cm (35 inches?) tall., the cola is about 8cm long and about 9cm in diameter. Any guesses on dry weight?


Thanks! That means a lot coming from you blokes! :)
She's right at 89cm (35 inches?) tall., the cola is about 8cm long and about 9cm in diameter. Any guesses on dry weight?
Don't count your chickens til they hatch :D Bud is 75% water weight though, so do keep that in mind :)

I'm a lady by the way! :)


So a little over 9 weeks or so? Flush her good, like they say and give it a week or so. But for the record, (depending on the strain) in general, you could start flushing around 6 or seven weeks and harvest at 8 or 9. But it's all up to preference and your type o' smoke. Good luck, the buds look absolutely fantastic.
Yung, what strand are you using that only involves 8-10 weeks from clone to cut? and how much yield are you looking at? I am definitely interested if theres a strand that is less than 3 months!!