First Set of Leaves Dying or Something


New Member
Hello,i am sorry i can't provide a pic but i have a white rhino plant growing ,4 weeks in it is about 7 inches tall and is pretty healthy i think,the top "true " cannabis leaves :leaf: are big and very healthy looking ,but i watered the plant earlier,(its in soil and perlite) and checked it there now and the firstish set of leaves ( the ones with like 3 leaves )have all started going dark brown (dead) around the edges and a few of the smaller leaves are covered in dark brown spots ...since these aren't the true leaves are they suppose to die? The plant is very lush otherwise and they wouldn't be missed if i cut them,but i hope i havent done something thats gonna travel up the plant..maybe nute burn,i fertd for the first time 4 days ago,and used the full dose the packet suggested,maybe i over watered earlier..i havent watered since i ferted 4 days ago,i don't water every day i wait 3 or 4 days even if it hasn't dried out on top yet i water till there is plenty of run this bad?...this is gettin harder by the day lol..any ideas or tips dudes? peace


Misguided Angel
Same thing happened to me, my bottom leaves were turning yellow and brittle, but the top leaves were lush and green. I was over watering the shit out of them. I transplanted them into a pot with new soil in it and they rebounded within a week. It is way too easy to overwater them, wait until you think they need water, then wait some more haha. The plant will let you know when it is thirsty.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you may have a bug problem as most tent to attack the lower parts of the plants and then make their way up to the next set of leafes. Keep a daily watch on them.


New Member
probably overwatering.I'm only using a 200 w eco light cfl,and even after 3-4 days the top of the soil isnt dry i ca't wait any longer than that lol


Well-Known Member
Overwatering would not cause your leafes to have burnt spots or cause the leafes to turn brown at the edges.
Some pics would help.


Active Member
Overwatering would not cause your leafes to have burnt spots or cause the leafes to turn brown at the edges.
Some pics would help.
True, a picture would help as well. Also some setup descriptions, light etc. I would guess you either over fertilized or something else is going on. Over watering would cause a serious droop in the leaves, but it is quite common. Also don't worry about cutting leaves too much, the plants know when to drop old useless leaves. If you need to trim or top go for it, but otherwise the plants will take care of themselves and they can still use the unaffected areas of the leaf.


Well-Known Member
I think you should keep an eye on your plants. There's a good chance you might have over fertilized them; you should only use 1/2 or even 1/4 of the dosage on the package. But sometimes random leaves on the plants will go brown and die off. Pics would help us help you. I really don't think its fungus gnats or spider mites.