first soil grow


Well-Known Member
Pics is the only way to get a response on the lanky part.

What lights (I'm assuming CFL), and what medium (what brand/type of soil). Generally, I don't start feeding nutes until the fourth true set of leaves begin, or at minimum between 3-5 weeks if growing in a pre-nuted soil.

I could just purchase a mh bulb and get it under some lights so it doesn't stretch right. and maybe a fan make the stocks stronger


Well-Known Member
Nice little plant. No nutes for at least a week or so. As spek wrote, the 4th set of true leaves would be a good time to start feeding, with a light hand :-P It is common for seedlings to stretch for light. You can re-pot in a deeper pot. I believe there may be a sticky on just that topic. And/or use one of those bamboo skewers, used for bar-b-queing. Stick it in the pot and stake the seeding to the skewer, with a tie-wrap. And get some air moving around it to strengthen that stem.

R2T :peace:
thats quite funny dude i actually had exactly those in my pots propping them up lol. thanks for the info tho. they were actually stretched as young seedlings and i repotted them into those green things you see in the photo. still stretching tho because i only use sunlight as of now.


Well-Known Member
thats quite funny dude i actually had exactly those in my pots propping them up lol. thanks for the info tho. they were actually stretched as young seedlings and i repotted them into those green things you see in the photo. still stretching tho because i only use sunlight as of now.
I have found that strains that like to stretch, pretty much will continue to stretch unless you put them right under a powerful light. Stretch is no problem, as long as you take care of them. I went from rapid rooters (size of a small dixie cup) to 16 oz cups, to 2 gallon pots in 3 weeks with one strain. The rest were fine under the same lights. I have had to stake those seedings/vegs their entire lives, so far. But that's OK cuz they are gonna pay me back :joint: Using 2 and 3 foot bamboo stakes, instead of skewers, now however :bigjoint:



R2T :peace: