First soilless grow


Well-Known Member
Hi, not too new to the forums here. I currently got a thread going in the organics section about my first organic grow thats turning out to be a mess. Im currently on my first soilless grow as well and I have a quick question to ask about canadian sphagnum peat moss media.

The mix I am using is found on this page (Abs vpw420)

I’m using the ABS VPW420 mix. If someone could check this out and tell me what PH I should be running at that would be awesome. I was thinking 5.8-6 for ph would be ideal to water with since the base ph is really low 5.0 - 5.8 and I have acess to rain water thats base is 6.9 but rain water is super alkaline.

I know cocoair likes ph 5.5-6.2, is canadian sphagnum peat moss the same as other soilless medias for growing? Should I aim for a water ph of 5.8 for my media?
