first time cloning. help


hey im cloning for the first time and just am alittle confused. I have just a tray and a plastic dome over the top of the cuttings. How will the humidity stay consistently high in the dome? am i supposed to have excess water inside?
Thanks ahead of time


Well-Known Member
place your cuttings into the "clone dome".
make sure youll be able to spray the leaves with a spray bottle with water.
do it at least 5 or 6 times spread throughout the day.
also i spray the top of the lid each time so it stays extra humid


New Member
Trim clone sites while they are still on the mother plant, getting rid of all but one or two good leaves.
Chill for an hour or two.
Come back, cut clone site at 45 degree angle near base.
Dip in water (good water, like distilled) and make a similar cut under water to get rid of any air pocket (I usually see a satisfying bubble float to the surface).
Coat in rooting gel or powder ot other hormone (I use Schulz take root, $5 at Home Depot, although I'm sure other types are better)
Place in medium (I use perlite, others use rockwool or soil, most are good)
Keep in humidity dome 10-14 days until new roots/growth appear

Please, sober people, correct anthing I've misssed in my drunken haze