First Time - Complete Beginning


Active Member
So I picked up a few seeds from a friend and I was wondering if I could get anything going here.

I know nothing about planting in general. So maybe someone with time on there hands could help me? I'm not sure if the following is relevant but;

- I have a large backyard covered in weeds/dirt. No grass.
- It gets constant sun when the sun is out.
- Very dry
- Some grassy/forested area but mostly barren.

I'm not really hoping for anything amazing maybe just a few small bushes/plants to get an idea of what I'm doing.

Any help? It would be greatly appreciated. In the mean time I'm going to browse this site more.



Well-Known Member
So I picked up a few seeds from a friend and I was wondering if I could get anything going here.

I know nothing about planting in general. So maybe someone with time on there hands could help me? I'm not sure if the following is relevant but;

- I have a large backyard covered in weeds/dirt. No grass.
- It gets constant sun when the sun is out.
- Very dry
- Some grassy/forested area but mostly barren.

I'm not really hoping for anything amazing maybe just a few small bushes/plants to get an idea of what I'm doing.

Any help? It would be greatly appreciated. In the mean time I'm going to browse this site more.

wrong time of year for outdoor stuff sweetie, but the indo garden knows no season ;)


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the site!

Your intuition is correct in browsing the site. I would direct you to the Grow FAQs - they contain a lot of helpful information to point you in the right direction. And there is a large, helpful and active community to help make sure you're successful.


Well-Known Member
digg a whole and fill it in with good organic dirt! put seeds in and watch nature shake its ass! any thing wierd happen along the way, post a picture, and someone can help you here! make sure it gets atleast 5 hours of direct sunlight. you really dont need extra nutes but if you use them use organic! (you dont want all those wierd chemicals in your smoke)!!!!!