First time cook, butter or oil?

I plan on making a batch of brownies for me and 4 other people. I plan on using about a quarter, since I don't have the TOP notch stuff, but it is medium-good quality. My question is, should I use butter or oil? I've heard oil doesn't burn as easily but are there any other differences? Also should I just used a pre-made box from like walmart or something or use a actual recipe. And help with ways to extract the most THC so I don't have to use the shake and smash down on some weed chunks would be most helpful. I know this is a lot, but I would REALLY appreciate it. I don't have much money to spend time making test batches and such.


Active Member
BUTTER is the way to go. ive done both and butter is mos def the best way. it takes a bit longer but is well worth it.. if you have any questions on how to cook it just ask
Is there that big of a taste difference? And thanks soo much for answering. How much butter should I use for like a 1/4 if i want a good amount of brownies with a good/high potency, keep in mind it is medium-good stuff. Or how can i make it a harder hit PER brownie.


Active Member
when i do it i use half a tub of butter(the small tub) it will collect the thc and make some damn good munchies
the butter will def taste better and if you dont use it all in ur brownie mix you can spread it on ur morning toast for the ultimate wake and


Active Member
yeah, first u start with boiling water and dump the weed in. let it cook for a few minutes until the water turns a nasty brown. then drain the water( but make sure you keep it). put it back into your pot add the butter. let it simmer until the butter is completely melted down, then stick the pot in the freezer. after about 2 or 3 hours the water will freeze and the butter that collected the thc will be on top of the ice. finally just scope of the butter and make your brownies using your butter and enjoy
correct me if im wrong: boiling water + weed, strain, strained weed/water + butter, simmer, freeze, take butter puck out of container and dump water out. all right?


Active Member
yeah but the butter wont freeze as quick as the water. u should have an ice cube with butter on top. hope this helps and good luck

+rep please
Butter is the way to go, I made a batch using just over a quad once, and then spread it generously on sandwiches haha was a great week.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i do oil because i'm a lazy fuck and it can be done in less than an hour. the truth is that stuff made with butter just tastes better, with or without weed involved. also you can put the butter in/on more things than the oil. but oil does work and it works well.