First Time Drip system... PLZ HELP


New Member
Hey yall I have made a 6 ft long by 3.5 ft wide table thats on a slant that I made from metal siding, It drips into the res perfectly, But Im using coco and I need a pump to use a drip system if anyone has any links to any drip system setups would be very helpful, how often do they need to drip? and how much? does it need to be on a timer?????? what is the best setup for a drip system have you used?? plz help.. 20-3 gallon bags were used as pots will have newer pics tomorrow I promise maybe tonight



New Member
alright here is my room and drip system in construction I have about days till I need to transplant this is 20-3 gallon bags on a slanted tray, and a couple of dwc which is not first choice after a couple bad runs:bigjoint: oh yeah thats 1 600 hps,2- 400 mh, and 8 45 watt shoplights kinda blinding sorry


Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
Mums in the first pic on drip.......396gph pump......lights on 24/7......pump runs for 15 minutes every 3 hours but I use Rapid Rooters and Hydroton.

Last 2 pics are Tray#1 in flower, 5 waterings a day during the 12 hour lights on period. 7, 9:30, 12, 2:30, 5:30--15 minutes each time

Your watering schedule will vary based on medium, phase of growth, temps, evaporation/transpiration from fans, etc.

I use drip tubes laid out in a grid to service a predetermined layout of 5.5" pots--4 per square foot in my can see this in the last two pics. (look closely at the second pic and you can see the drip lines looping over the side of the pots)

I didn't look at your pics because I am too lazy, hope this helps:peace:

edit--went and looked at pics.....whats up with that nice little tray full of flowering plants??.....why not continue with the lollipops but straighten up that set-up and embrace some linear looking shit? (as in the pics below-just an idea) Are the big bags for mums or are you going to start flowering little bushes? Are you buying clones? Must be nice....if so why not stagger a few into flower every 2-3 weeks or however you want to harvest a perpetual grow?


Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
Also....just a suggestion.

Ditch the house plants, imho you are just asking for insect problems with random tropicals in your op.;-)


New Member
thanks man I have to keep those house plants for someone else but I spray them with neem on the reg. my question is what timer, pump, and how did you make your lines, how often do they drip?
Also....just a suggestion.

Ditch the house plants, imho you are just asking for insect problems with random tropicals in your op.;-)


New Member
oh nevermind didnt see this post thanks man you a were alot of help
Mums in the first pic on drip.......396gph pump......lights on 24/7......pump runs for 15 minutes every 3 hours but I use Rapid Rooters and Hydroton.

Last 2 pics are Tray#1 in flower, 5 waterings a day during the 12 hour lights on period. 7, 9:30, 12, 2:30, 5:30--15 minutes each time

Your watering schedule will vary based on medium, phase of growth, temps, evaporation/transpiration from fans, etc.

I use drip tubes laid out in a grid to service a predetermined layout of 5.5" pots--4 per square foot in my can see this in the last two pics. (look closely at the second pic and you can see the drip lines looping over the side of the pots)

I didn't look at your pics because I am too lazy, hope this helps:peace:

edit--went and looked at pics.....whats up with that nice little tray full of flowering plants??.....why not continue with the lollipops but straighten up that set-up and embrace some linear looking shit? (as in the pics below-just an idea) Are the big bags for mums or are you going to start flowering little bushes? Are you buying clones? Must be nice....if so why not stagger a few into flower every 2-3 weeks or however you want to harvest a perpetual grow?



New Member
No those pics are from a friend who I get my cuts from those on the tray are his not mine. I plan on keeping one of each strain as a mom, and then flwr the rest of the cuts mostly sativas and hazes so Im going to veg only for like 2weeks then flower, and I also got the bubba kush which will be kept as a mom. thanks agin I see u used drip stakes, I was ethier going to do rings that drip or just a single and Im using coco, But next run Im switching to hydroton because u can just wash the salt build-off off and reuse them and high in silica
oh nevermind didnt see this post thanks man you a were alot of help