First time drying. Help me!!

Alright peoples. Got buds hanging in my grow room in darkeness and got buds in the net. Room temp between 21 and 23 degres. Humidity 55 to 60 carbon filter on. And one oscolating fan on. The room is average size. Big ish. They have been drying since sunday and monday. Ones in net seen to be dry on outside and sticky on inside. Hanging up some dry and very sticky on inside. Others sticky on outside throughout. How long should i be drying for? Should i add anothet fan? I have 2 carbon filters in the room. One is on theither is off. Should i turn that on aswel?
Let me know in a bit of a worry ya!!


Well-Known Member
Alright peoples. Got buds hanging in my grow room in darkeness and got buds in the net. Room temp between 21 and 23 degres. Humidity 55 to 60 carbon filter on. And one oscolating fan on. The room is average size. Big ish. They have been drying since sunday and monday. Ones in net seen to be dry on outside and sticky on inside. Hanging up some dry and very sticky on inside. Others sticky on outside throughout. How long should i be drying for? Should i add anothet fan? I have 2 carbon filters in the room. One is on theither is off. Should i turn that on aswel?
Let me know in a bit of a worry ya!!
Carbon filter unnecessary for drying process itself. The smaller twigs should snap before placing into jars for final cure.


Well-Known Member
The longer the better. At 60% humidity id aim for 7-10 days depending on bud size. Don’t point the fan at the buds... that will dry them out to fast and you will be screwed. Just enough for a little air movement.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't have any fans on, just the one for your carbon filter to circulate the air and pull in fresh air to the grow room.


Well-Known Member
Alright peoples. Got buds hanging in my grow room in darkeness and got buds in the net. Room temp between 21 and 23 degres. Humidity 55 to 60 carbon filter on. And one oscolating fan on. The room is average size. Big ish. They have been drying since sunday and monday. Ones in net seen to be dry on outside and sticky on inside. Hanging up some dry and very sticky on inside. Others sticky on outside throughout. How long should i be drying for? Should i add anothet fan? I have 2 carbon filters in the room. One is on theither is off. Should i turn that on aswel?
Let me know in a bit of a worry ya!!
Just keep doing what you're doing, sounds fine to me. Once they're starting to dry on the outside, imo you don't really need as much air movement, another fan might be unnecessary.

When they feel only a day or two away from being smoke able, is when i tub or jar them with a lid. The idea is to extend the time it takes before it's dry enough to smoke. Stems should be snappy, but not snap into two.

First week or two in containers, open the containers every day or two, take the buds out for a few minutes to check they're not too damp, then tub them back up.

If you have your herb in large totes, i'd keep the flower graded by size and turn the product periodically.