First time ever. (Organic Soil Grow)


Active Member
Hello everyone. Brand new to growing Cannabis. I really wanted to start my journal on this forum but I ran into errors but I have gotten that all good. I did end up starting a journal on the J.C. forum.

So to catch everyone up. I'm in a mars hydro 4x4 tent with all good exhausting (6" inline exhaust fan with carbon filter on the intake end). I am growing NYPD from nirvana and they are looking amazing! I have 4 girls from seed, doing a very low scrog and tomm will make for the first 2 full weeks of flower!

Yes I am using the lame junky Mars Hydro II 1600. Its working fine right now, loud as hell from the cheap 120mm fans but I can deal. I have been keeping up with Growmau5 on Youtube and I most def am gonna build one once funding comes around!!!! My full time job is working on a luxury brand of auto at a dealership, so I'm all about hands on!

So for soil I have supersoil that cooked for like 5 months on the bottom half (using roots organic for the base soil) and just plain jane roots organic on the top half, and that goes in a 7 gallon pot. I water/feed twice a week, one time water with BRIX mixed in and the second time is 1/2 diluted Boogie Brew tea and I add BRIX right before I feed the soil.
Now in between those watering/feeding days, I foliar feed SEA-90, and then a few days later I foliar feed Pure Protein Dry. This is my result so far, what do you guy/girls/other living forms think?1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg 5.jpg 6.jpg 7.jpg

Note: the pistils are not pink or any other color, its just the lamp making it look like that...but i wish haha
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Active Member
Alright homies, I am going to do another round of culling of the fan leaves, I did this once in the middle of veg and the girls came back mega strong. (know it's not to be done, solar panels, storage system, I know). I've seen almost every person have great success. I know this is my first grow and I should do basic shit until I get a good understanding of actual growing BUT lol, I want to experiment. From what others tell me, I'm doing great, so now I need get better. But there is a method to the reaping.

For anyone interested, here is my full journal on JC forum:

I'll post another pic when I'm done with the reaping.

Before. 2 weeks, 3 days into flower.

