first time getting this far beginning of second week of flowering need some advice


Well-Known Member
ok well first off.. everyone who has read my threads knows i am a newb.. i planted 2 plants per pot (I KNOW already lol) i will never again plant 2 plants per pot. i started with 4 plants in 2 pots.. 3 ended up male so now i am left with 1 female in 1 pot YAY! :) i have only given 2 feedings the first was about 3 days ago and another today.. i was wondering if i could get some opinions or advice on my plant and my situation/set up.. i have started a few more seeds which ill just do 12/12 from seed cause i dont have space for a veg room (thats why you see the smaller pots in the room)

first i need to know if she looks normal or healthy for the start of her second week.. heres the details of my grow

250w hps
earth juice nute system which includes grow/bloom/meta-k/catalyst/micronutrients
the plant is a bagseed which vegged for about 5 weeks while lsting i believe she has 10-12 tops atm. but it was my first time doing any LST and when i started there were 2 plants per pot which is why half the pot looks empty lol. so she is about 6-7weeks old... i started flowering early because i had two plants per pot and didnt want them to get root bound... and once i found only 1 female didnt want the hassle of putting her back into ill keep on this schedule and see what she produces.. she is very small and doesnt look like she will produce much but any opinions are greatly appreciated

my feedings so far...

1st feeding was middle of first week of flowering which included half teaspoon of grow/half teaspoon of catalyst and half teaspoon of micronutes.. after 3 days she still looked a little lightergreen/yellow

so for the 2nd feeding which was today an hour ago i included 1 teaspoon of grow 1 teaspoon of bloom half teaspoon of catalyst and half teaspoon of meta-k

i hear it is nearly impossible to burn a cannabis plant with these nutes because they are extremely mild and apparantly i can mix & match any of the nutes in the line and they work together perfectly fine... i also read they have no residual salts for buildup etc.. so im going to see how this feeding goes.. does anyone have any suggestions on my feedings?? hope im doing it right... btw i mix all nutes with 1 gallon of water and feed the plant the entire gallon of water (3 gallon pot) which ends up with about 1/4 gallon of run off (im assuming i should feed with half gallon of water or so??? any suggestions on that?

well heres the pics

this first pic shows all 4 plants 3rd day of 12/12
Feb 12th 1.jpg

as you can see half the pot is pretty much clear cause i removed the male that was there now im trying to fill it by tying some tops accross the pot...doesnt seem to be working so good...any suggestions on this?
Feb 12th 2.jpg Feb 12th 4.jpg Feb 12th 8.jpg

some pictures of a few does she look??

Feb 12th 10.jpg Feb 12th 9.jpg Feb 12th 7.jpg Feb 12th 6.jpg Feb 12th 5.jpg Feb 12th 3.jpg so in a nut shell.. i'd like some opinions.. on what i can do to make her even more healthy and produce a little more bud(if possible) maybe some suggestions/info on the nutes im using etc.. any and all help is always appreciated thanks everyone


bud bootlegger
they look nice and healthy to me...
as far as filling in the pot with the tops, it looks like your doing this the right way.. just keep tying it down as it grows.. this should also help out in the yield dpt ime..
kinda hard to tell how big they should be as it depends on a lot of factors like veg time, container size, etc..

as for feeding them, i'd go ahead and feed them every other watering from here on out.. they are in flower and will need some food, i would have feed them some more in veg as well, but it's ok as they look pretty healthy to me..
every week just bump up your nutes a lil bit till you either get to full dose or you see slight signs of nute burn... if you see nute burn before you get to full dose, simply back off the nutes some and keep it there..


Well-Known Member
Thank you very much. Do you think I'm using to much water when I water them? As I stated in my first post


bud bootlegger
i went back and looked at the pix again as i missed the over watering question first time around, and it does appear that they maybe a lil over watered imo..
give them the same amount of water as now, just allow them to dry out some more in between each watering and they should perk right back up...


Well-Known Member
Your plants are looking good my friend. Just keep at it week by week and since its your first try to closely watch each different development so you can see what to look for next time. (Growth rate, what they react best to, etc.) Imo, its a fine art and its all about giving them what they need when they need it. I read up before on some people making sure they water to about 20% runoff to make sure its saturated and let it dry out so its really airy and do this again. I tried it and they suck the water up in almost like a few hours and perk up with growth. Feeding wise i only do like 1 every other watering to make sure I don't burn and if they seem like they have a deficiency somewhere just try to add an extra feeding and if it helps then good and if not then flush with the next.


Well-Known Member
i have been using 1 gallon of water everytime. ive gotten about 1/4 gallon of run off this past watering which was today


Well-Known Member
btw i noticed they get droopy a few days after watering and their pots get very light which is why ive been watering every 3-4 days


bud bootlegger
thats exactly what you're looking for as in signs of when to water.. you really don't want them to get too droopy in between waterings though.. sounds like you're doing that about right to me...
they look over all healthy and happy to me, other than the slight wilting i saw which lead me to think they maybe over watered some what.. but other than that, they looked great..
i really wouldn't get too stressed over a lil over watering though honestly, so long as they look happy and healthy other than that, it's not much to get stressed about ime..


Well-Known Member
thank you very much... i had another question..

someone just gave me some open sesame which is 5-45-19 and another which is Beastie blooms 0-50-30.. he said they are not organic and once i use them i can no longer say i grew orangic bud.. he also said its extremely easy to burn the plants with them but if used right they make the buds swell up nice and fat and make them sticky and stinky and ooey gooey... my question is.. should i use these? at all? and when should i use them? or am i better of just sticking with the earth juice which is extremely mild? i believe earth juice grow is 2-1-1 earth juice bloom is 0-3-1 earth jucie meta-k is 0-0-5 and the earth juice catalyst is 3-1-1.. so as you can see they are very mild... im quite the newb and dont want to kill my plants by giving them this very strong synthetic fertilizer....any thoughts???


bud bootlegger
i've used the trio of fox farm solubles that you have, you're just missing the one part called cha ching, which is more of the finisher of the 3 parts that you'd use in the last two or so weeks of the flowering phase..
saying that, i've never burnt anything using them, so not so sure about what info you're getting from your buddy.. simply follow the directions on the side of the bottles, it's been a minute since i've used them, so i don't exactly remember what the dose is for each of them..
but your buddy is correct about if you use them, you'd no longer be strictly organic, so it's up to you to determine just how important staying organic is to your grow.. if it's something that you think you need to be able to say at the end of the day, well than you're not going to be able to use these nutes, or any other synthetic nutes for that matter..
if you can't find the dose info on the bottles, hit me up and i'll try and find my old feeding schedule and let you know what it says.. :)


Well-Known Member
Alright. I was told to use 1/8th teaspoon per gallon and to use it mid/late flowering.. Are the beastie bloomz and open sesameok to mix with the earth juice?. one more thing I'm worried about is he also said that they will affect ph quite a bit something I dont have to worry about with the earth juice. So that will also be another deciding factor on if I use it or not


bud bootlegger
oh yah, i know that the other fox farms products, the grow big, tiger bloom and the other one i forget the name of atm, they drop my ph by about two points off the bat.. but it's cool cuz my water's ph is way high to begin with, lol.. :)


Well-Known Member
well i dont think im going to use the fox farms synthetic nutes cause i really like the taste/smell of organic bud.. now if i get a crappy yeild off this plant i will most likely use it for my next grow which is already under way.. 1 seedling and 4 others germinatedheres some pics i took today

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these leaves have some brown spots on them... but all the new growth looks very healthy so i dont know if it was a deficiency of some sort that i corrected when i started feeding them but it doesnt seem to be getting worse...those this one leaf picture is covered in brown spots kinda hard to see in the pic.

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and a couple pics of the very stretched seedling which i think is from being on 12/12 since it was born covered the stem up once with soil cuase it was so stretchy now its just about as long as it was before i covered the stem lol with no more rim on the pot to put more soil in i might have to transplant it to a bigger pot sooner than i expected... can i Start lsting this seedling right now? cause if so im going to lol

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btw all the big fan leaves on the lst'd plant are only droopy because i have them tied down to the side of the pot instead of trimming them off...

and this is how we looked before we found males lol
Feb 4 11.jpg