First time Grow 2x2x6 closet


Ok guys, Let me tell you, I think I have gone to every cannabis website ten times over just trying to learn anything and everything, and I keep coming back here to RIU.

I have attached some pictures, I want to double check with you guys to make sure I am on the right track, I got some bud from a friend and it was loaded with seeds, it was free so it did not matter to me, and it put me out for half the day with the next day not sure what happened so I figured I want go grow some of that, He wasnt sure the exact strain but it is some kind of purple from what he is aware of.

At first I just threw them in a pot of Miracle gro and left them on my kitchen table by the window for about 6 weeks and they didnt get to big, thats when i started to research and found out i didnt know the first thing to growing, so about a week ago i ran down to a local garden store they had all organic potting soil no time release nutes, has worm castings, lime, bat guano and much more, a lot of stuff that people are putting into their soil. I transfered them into that potting soil last week and just used tap water (i let it sit out at least 24 hours before use sometimes up to 48 hours) and general purpose miracle gro but at the 1/4 amount as directed.

so as a week or so ago they have been under two four foot fluorescent daylight bulbs 18/6 and have not seen much growth even with those, and just yesterday i finished my closet grow room wich has 6 27w daylight cfls each 1750 lumen at 5000k color. and also today i found a local store that has fox farm supplies and got grow big and big bloom, since my girls needed a water today i mixed it up at recommended and let the girls drink up.

so i know that was a lot but here is my question, even before i watered them today they were drooping, one more than the other. I know they have been through a lot in the past couple weeks with inconsistant light at first, then with me changing them onto a fluro, then new potting soil and now new nutes and better lights.

my biggest question is, are they just stressed out of their minds right now?

should they be able to bounce back to a full recovery and start really growing soon?

i also have a 150w hps setup for flowering should i turn that on as well for vegging or just leave it off?

i know they are about maybe 8 weeks now typically how long does vegging take? because im starting 6 new seeds as we speak.

[email protected]

Well-Known Member
veg can go as long or as short as you want but after you switch to a flowering cycle (12/12) there still going to grow upwards for the first week or two as they make the transition. There are ways to make them stop growing and start flowering faster like 24 hours of no light or a fert high in -p-k but i have personally never tried this. the plants look good considering all they have been though just try to get that cfl as close as you can without touching the plants. but if they tough i dont think it would hurt. hope i helped


ok so heres a few more pics, i have a few questions, my girls are still drooping, they slightly perk up by nighttime, the smaller one main stem is dark purple and just turned this color in 24 hours, this im aware of and tell me if it sounds right

1. i am probably giving my girls too much attention
2. i might have given them too many nutes, even though it was the recommended amount of big bloom fox farm
3. the soil is soggy possibly causing the droop

1. should i just let the girls ride it out and give them a few days and stop worrying?
2. i have a 150w hps for flowering, should i turn that on as well for veg?



okay so the girls are looking better, i was talking to a friend and i realized they were way over nuted, so im letting it run its course, they are already perking up and showing new growth, the dark purple on the little one is dissapearing, and 3 out of 6 new seeds broke ground



Active Member
Also to wet bro. Let the soil dry out completely before watering otherwise the roots are always wet this can lead to root rot.

In event of root rot SM-90 fixes it just only use it for a couple days as a foilar if you get root rot.


Thanks guys, im learning patience slowly. here are some more pictures, they are starting to recover and they are still growing slowly but surely and 4 out of 6 seeds are open and showing some leaves. the two mature plants not sure there age now, the seedlings are 1 day old

the last picture is just for fun, hes known for selling drugs out of his wooden leg and going through the drive thru at jack n the box



Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
they are looknig healthy bro! Keep up the good work and be paitent! Don't over nute them and give them time to grow. I know it is hard but let them do their thing.

Oh and RIU is the best fucking site hands down for exp growers! I am semi new here too and I wouldn't have gotten my NL grow through if it wasn't for RIU! Gl brotha and grow big or go home! :)


top of the morning to everyone, just a few pictures to update, day 3 for the seedlings, unknown for the two bigger plants (sat on a kitchen table for about 6 weeks before i started to realize they need attention, just like women)

i know i need more light and dont have the funds to buy more equipment so i turned on one of my 150w hps lights to help out as well with the six 27w clfs (daylight), hopefully the hps will be ok



oh no, So im looking around a little more, and i come across this on my bigger girl..... does she have a secret shes not telling me, is she a he? Dont let it be true!

the second picture on circles on the left im not sure if those are new leaves coming out at the node or female preflowers.

sorry the camera is blurry i only have a camera phone and i know its still pretty early to tell.



So i got a 100x microscope at the local shop and it deff looks like balls. im bummed but im going to let it grow another week or so and try to make some brownies out of him. he wont be a total loss.

i found this picture on another thread it looks just like this


bill johnson

that happened to me, its cause of the bag weed thing....I have heard that you can make hash oil, just start over, and if you want a forsure female then get a clone or buys seeds online or from a club if your in cali


its ok, ive got 6 more seedlings and one other that might tell me in a few weeks the sex. I have a feeling that my other big one is female, she is putting off a lot more smell for her small size, the big one you cant smell, now im pretty sure its male i rubbed the leaves and it only has a slight smell.


so i have 5 out of 6 seedlings sprouted and in 1 gallon pots, the last seedling should break the shell tomorrow. I have added my other 150w hps and I am keeping it low as possible to the plants without harming them. below is the current set up with the lights, do you think it is ok the way it is set up or is it too much? I have read you can never have too much light, and at this point i have roughly 44,000 lumens for my 2x2x6

Day 4 for the seedlings
