First time grow from bagseed. Please advise [PICS]


Active Member
Hey guys,

this is my first post :)

soooo i've always been interested in growing and i read up a ton on various forums so I have a pretty good idea on things. I have club card and have easy access to clones.

however in this case, my buddy gave me his newly sprouted bagseeds to take care of for a few weeks. he didn't know better and put some random miracle grow and soil from plants in his yard. well its been 10 days since they were planted and they are about 1 inch tall. I just literally saw this for the first time today so I drove them over to my house and quickly set up some lights in the middle of my bedroom. here are some pics

I watered it with some bottled water and that fan in the background oscillates. One of those lamps is just a normal bulb, the other is a florescent. Obviously this is temporary, I was late for work this morning. I figure i'll stop at the store on the way back home and pick up some more florescent lighting and nutrients. I'll also create a corner of my room into a grow space.

Here are my questions:

1) I'm confused about nutrients. its added to the water right? what should I be giving it for growth

2) is the current soil problematic? or should I wait to change it once it gets too big for the pots?

thanks in advance. :joint:

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
no nutes for a while...the soil has plenty for small plants...too much in fact,thats why the edges of the leaves are burnt....but thats ok,they have hardened to it,they will be fine for awhile...gotta get some lights tho


Active Member
thank you for the fast replies. OK well it seems that all I need to do is get some correct lighting and watch them grow :D bongsmilie

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
keep the weed weeded from his yard may grow all kinds a some reading,and you will be ready when its time


Well-Known Member
what kind of lights are yuo using and you aare definately gonna have to put alot more lights as they get bigger which means alot more money


Well-Known Member
Grab a couple of 40watt (150watt equivalent) CFLs from wal mart. Also I see that your one pot is clear. Make sure no light can get to the roots. Cover it with tape or something.


Well-Known Member
Soil from the yard is not sterile, you will have problems with diseases/mites/insects/other weeds. Go get some plain old potting soil, preferably with no nutrients added ( Miracle Grow is not the right kind), and get some perlite, mix 5to 1 ratio (5 parts soil to 1 part perlite) carefully rinse off the soil that is on the plants right now, transplant and hope they don't die. Get rid of the regular light bulb, it is only providing heat, it doesn't help it grow one bit..wrong light spektrum.

Funny story, a few years back a friend of mine decided to plant some BlockHead seeds in his back yard, well they started growing , but then a freak hail storm came up and pretty much wiped them out, he dug up the one remaining plant 3 inches tall and brought it to me in a plastic ziplock bag. I grew it out and it became a wonderful female that was almost White Widow like in Gland production, we named it sugar and the taste was great. To this day I kick myself for not making a clone.