First time grow. Help with a trubble plant. 10 Days from seed


Hey there!

As the title says this is my firts grow ever and I think i have probelm with one plant, it looks verry different from the other girls.
Does anyone know what this is? Should I just take it away or give it some time?

I keep the temp between 20c-28c (68f-82f)
And room huminity around 40-50%

I did plant them from seeds 2012-09-15 (That would be 10 days ago from writing moment)


My set up is following:

120x120 cm (4x4 foot) grow tent
400w HPS Philips green grow edition


Here is the other plants, they look "normal" or can you see if I can improve something? :)


And I dont live in a English speaking country so dont blame my spelling. ;)

Thanks alot guys! I'm a nerve wreck here!
Vegging plants like warmth and humidity, perhaps raise the humidity, temps seem to be okay.
Is your light somewhere up at the top of your tent? I can't see it.. Unless it's in that silver thing.. :s
Also what kind of soil are you using?


Active Member
The one up top is fine. It will open up shortly. They all look well to me. Don't keep it too wet right near the base of the stems when they're that young, or you might get some that want to lay down. Make sure they wiggle a little bit from the fan if you can set it on oscillate mode, to help strengthen those stems.

What kind of soil mix are you using? Looks like it could use some perlite or vermiculite added to it.


The lamp is hanging in the middle of the tent, i have those jojo things..

Well im using a regular soilmix dont know whats in it 100%.

Yeah i noticed that, thanks. so i just water around them and never directly on them? :)


Active Member
Yes, don't pour directly on them. Just try to keep a dry spot about 1/2" circle around the base of the stem until they get a few nodes grown. Most people start seedlings in something smaller so that it can dry out faster, but you will be alright as long as you don't overwater. If you have access to some Perlite, i would try to mix some in the soil around the edges and what-not as much as you can without disturbing the roots. Helps with aeration.


Well-Known Member
No need for you to be nervous! Keep on being sensible with your watering, as MyPetSkunk (really?) says.
Good job! Nice set up!


Hey guys!

Thanks for all the replyes!

As for the wind thing with the stems getting stronger I found another fan in my basement. It has an program called nature (perfect isen't it) so it blows in pulses. So now all the plants are waveing carefully. Is that right?



And btw, another noob question.

Can anyone [FONT=arial, sans-serif]predict what my yield will be (ruffly), i have 5 Super lemon haze and 4 Cheeze :) Thanks![/FONT]


Active Member
Don't get your hopes up. First grows are usually quite sad. You have got a nice setup though. If they are regular seeds, you could have 8 males and 1 female, vice versa, you never know. Use this one as a learning tool and you will be better off on the next one. Don't be afraid to keep the males and use them to experiment with different feedings and techniques. Just have to keep them exclusively separate if you have the capabilities. Unless you want to make your own seeds the first go round, which will save you lots of money on seeds.


Luckely I have only females in my room. Did buy feminized seeds so i hope i only have females in there! :)
Well lI know that i wouldent have my hopes up but i'v been looking around and everyone is saying diffrent. Where i bought the seed it said i could get up to 800g/plant (1.8 pounds) but i know thats not going to happen, im super happy if i get 500g as a total. Am i unrealistic if im aiming for 500g(1.1 pounds)?

Hey thanks for all the help... Realy! Meny thanks!


Hey guys! Im not sure if the littel one is going to catch up. should i just give up hope on this one? :P
And i took some pics of the other ones! :)
