First time grow help


New Member
Hey guys! First time poster been lurking around for awhile. I started this cheese plant on March 4th, been doing great until recently where I believe I over watered it and that's where my problems started occurring, I believe I overwatered a month later on April 4th. I'm growing outdoors in zone 9a. Please help me out guys any tips will be greatly appreciated!! I'm using fox farm ocean forest soil no nutes added and I PH my water to about 6.5-6.8
I had some plants that looked like that. I ph’d the water to 5.5 for 2 waterings, after that 6.0
I itch all over just looking at that plant. Never dealt with an infestation like that.
I itch all over just looking at that plant. Never dealt with an infestation like that.
My fault didnt mean to double reply, anyways that's what I was thinking too, 3 days ago I sprayed a dish soap/water mixture but honestly I dont see any moving bugs or thrips.. i know they're hard to see tho
Looks like it's probably getting really cold. Or getting some weird as fuck lighting schedule.
Not sure!! I would say lowest night we had here is about 50F. The plant get atleast 10 hours of sun for sure tho but we have had a couple cloudy days so maybe that's it? Should I be bringing it inside at night?