First time grow; Indoor closet


Active Member
Hello all, I've been reading throughout the site and have concluded that this is the place to join. I am living in Canada, and have been toking everyday for nearly a year now. I'm sick and tired of dry seasons, and point six "grams". I've decided to get into marijuana growing.

I have a 4x2x8 closet that I plan to convert into my growing room. The walls are already painted white (abit dirty), I have no idea if it has to be some specific white or paint. I could use tin foil.

And then I am lost...what type of soil would be best? How many nutrients and when to use them? Best light source (low budget)? What size of pots?? I don't want to transfer the plants too much.

Basically how many plants should I grow in a closet this size? All the help would be VERY much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Don't use tin foils, tends to put burn spots on the leaves. Good soil is Fox Farm Ocean Forest... hmmm I'm not so good with nutrients. But cheap lighting is definitely CFL's... but for your room size I'm not sure about them. Pot size I don't know much about.

That's the best I can help you with sorry. :(


Well-Known Member
white walls will be fine. fox farm soil is a good bet but can be hard to find. your best bet for lights would be cfls if your tryin to go cheap but if you have the money id spring for HPS. your gonna end up spending a fair amount on cfls anyway just to get a decent set up. its almost prudent to get hps from the start. that said i still use CFL for now. as i work on a limited budget.

you want at least 1 gallon per foot of plant growth for pots. and for nutes start with nutes higher in nitrogen. for flowering you want more phosphates. and as for how many, at most starting 8 and keeping like 4 fems depending on how much you can squeeze em in. if i understand its 4ft wide 2 ft long. if you havent read the growfaq give it a look.