First time grow journal Pink Buffalo Pf Tek


I am going to start a small 12 brf cake grow.

- 1 64 quart Sterilite storage tub
- 12 pack 1/2 pint Kerr Jars
- 8 quart bag Horticultural Vermiculite
- 32 ounce bag Organic Brown Rice Flour
- Distilled Water
- Pink Buffalo spores on the way.

I plan to mix the substrate, fill jars up to 1/2 in. from the top with the mixture and top off with dry vermiculite. I will put the jar lids on upside down to allow some gas exchange and have 4 holes poked in each lid for inoculation.

Next I plan to boil the jars in a large kitchen pot for 90 minutes with a layer of jar lids in between the jars and the bottom of the pan. The jars will be have 2 layers of tin foil covering the lids to keep water from splashing in.

I will allow the jars to cool in the pan for 24 hours before I proceed to remove the foil wearing surgery gloves. I will then sterilize the syringe with an alcohol flame and inoculate 1/4 cc into each 4 holes of every jar (1cc per jar). Sterilizing the syringe between each jar.

Once all are inoculated the jars will be placed in a closet near a heating pad or blanket to keep higher temperatures. A thermometer will be used to regulate how high it needs to be set to keep a constant temperature around 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Once the jars fully colonize they will be placed in a fruiting chamber made from the 64 quart tub lined with perlite.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated, specifically regarding the fruiting chamber.