First time grow question: CFL & LED setup

Hi guys,

Been browsing the forums the past couple of days to get some ideas about possible grow setup. Looking at growing 1 main plant with another second plant starting halfway through the first cycle (LST on both).

Now as im only growing 2 plants max at any one time, i was thinking about getting the following 2 lights and use them together.

150W CFL:

and either a 168 LED Grow light:

or a LED panel:

I have been told that i want to aim for about 14,000Lumens. The CFL outputs 9000, but sadly the LED lights dont state their output.

Now my questions are:
- Will the CFL suffice for what im aiming to grow?
- Are either of those LED light/panels any good, as ive heard mixed things? Was looking to them to be a supplementary light to the CFL.
- What will the heat be like of this setup?
- How much of a smell would be produced?

Im looking at covering the enclosure in either Mylar, or C3 Sheeting

Thanks for any help on this, and i apologise if i have posted this in the wrong forum.