First time grow

Hello rollitup! Not only is this the first official grow, but until tonight, internet forums have been a spectator sport for me, so please be gentle on my ignorance!

Ok so here it is: ten plants hydro in a mylar tent. Four Moroccan Afghan clones and six more from seeds that I can't tell what they are just yet but they're seeds of Dumpster, Northern Lights, Shiskaberry, and/or G13. The seeds broke the tops of the rockwool about three weeks ago and the clones were transplanted about two weeks ago. I have pictures galore to share, but first here are some technical specs:
400W HPS at 55,000 lumens on 24hr
Advanced Nutrients 3 part 7-6-11
1/2in to 1/4in feeding tube system
air stone aerators
day temp: 74-77F
night temp: 72-73F
humidity: 20-30%
two 70 CFM bathroom ceiling fan exhaust system
pH: 6.5-7
single 6" fan

I've attached pictures of the set up, and also of the recent progress. Please comment, critique, suggest, and hopefully praise! I'll continue to add pictures as they go so follow along in my excitement!

From outside

first vent 70 CFM sucking out from on top of the light

second vent 70 CFM sucking from the exhaust of the first vent blowing into the attic

whole view open (earlier from the same day this was posted)

Roots on the feeding tubes

More to come shortly!

Everything I post is falsified
All right here's some more close ups

one of the moroccan afghans

not sure what this little girl is yet

also not sure about her yet


and more dumpster!

sorry if the angles are more artistic than functional, ill have more up of the others soon so keep lookin!


Well-Known Member
good luck man. welcome to the community. good setup just a couple suggestions. try lowering your ph to like 6 they should take nutes better and become green and full of life. Remember nitrogen is important while vegging. also make that reservoir light tight i cant stress to you how irritating root rot can be it can ruin a whole crop. that and keeping the roots wet allllllll the time. gotta let them air out for good growth
Thanks for the welcome and input! As for the pH im trying to lower it very carefully as i've heard and seen some pretty nasty outcomes of adding too much down at once, but im working on getting it lower.

The sativas are growing taller than the indicas a little bit faster than i'd like so I "broke" the stems by bending them till i could hear/feel the fibers breaking but without actually visably breaking them. I have heard that this causes a knot to grow where the break is so the plant is stabalizing the stem stunting its growth for a short period of time. The plan is to hopefully let the sativas catch up so i dont have a huge height difference. Any thoughts or experience to share?
Here's an update! I started more nutes today, hopefully gonna flower in a few days

the moroccans blew up too fast so i had to stunt the little rascals

indica indica indica!

thick and healthy hooray!

thats it for now ill post more to come


Well-Known Member
your set up looks really good. It looks like you're on your way to a good harvest. good luck! I hope all goes well for you!
