First time grower!!!! Advice/comment please!!!!!!!!!!

Well i started these babies on Nov. 15 and i think there doing great besides the older leaves yellowing the die, but i have read that this is normal. I have some questions though for the experts

I see many other peoples plant on here and they look more like christmas tress then twigs like mine.... do i need to prune them, top them what? cuz they look like twigs with leaves.
another some of my healiter leaves have some black spots on them, and burn tips on some....what is this exactly.



Well-Known Member
you don't mention anything about the lights, and they pics look like incandescents, but there's also something that looks like it could be a mh in front of those...

You have choices, if you don't prune, you will tend to get a larger top cola, but you'll only get one, and then some lower tops from node branching if you light penetrates well enough. Topping will tend to decrease the cola size, but you get more of them. Topping also promotes lateral branching, which makes them more bushy. Other methods exist as well though. Fimming is kinda like topping, but if done properly will promote a lot of lateral branching. supercropping is a method of promoting lateral branching and postponing top growth for a period, without actually cutting your plants.

Hope the ideas help!