First Time Grower and Hydro Use, Are These to Small to Flood and Drain?


just put them under my 1000w light roots just broke thru the bottom and im wondering if the light and flood and drain is too soon?:confused:


Well-Known Member
No, not too early. They are pretty small for a 1000 watt bulb. I would keep it 4 feet about these little guys until they stretch up a few inches (to make sure they are happy).

Also, make sure your nutrient solution has an airstone in it. Avoid additives for the first while until you and your plants get used to hydro. I promise, you can add all the BS back in later.. Just stick to your basic nutrients for a week or two and go easy on the strength.

As always, maintain the proper pH range and flood the plants a few times a day.


Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
You're using that sure to grow media?

a 1000watter is way overkill for seedlings.
You should get those buckets closer together and pop a t5 over them


Well-Known Member
1000W is fine just keep it 36-42" away. Only waste I see is electricity wise but if it's your current option, it's better to stay that distance.