First Time Grower, Germinated Yet???

Hey Guys, I just ordered some seeds from

5 fem blue mystic
5 fem white castle
and just for the heck of it and for a little extra girth 4 random gender BC Big Bud

Any who this is my first time growing, I ve watched Mr Green and Jortes Cervantes 20x each and I'm pretty decked out I think

I live in Atlantic Canada and the weather has been getting colder, I went out to the mail box 8 business days after ordering and there was my "DVD"
I was so worried the cold killed them, I dropped them all in water, they all floated for a while and then all sank apart from one( Ive since heard floating or sinking makes no difference)
Anyway its been about 36 hours and I THINK they are ALIVE!!!! Unless I've slipped into a hopeless dilerium I believe I see some white protuberances.

I thought Id get the experts at rollitup gimmie a second opinion.

This pic is of the Big bud seeds(which are fucking huge compared to the other strains hence the name I guess)
The others look similar in that i think they are cracking.
The top left seed has what i believe to be a white root, Is it? Can I plant it now or should it be really opened up.
I dont have a real frame of reference, so is a "cracked" seed open a little with a tiny root or is it like totally blown open. In other words is it open enough to plant now or should i wait till its really Bursting
I did hear somewhere that open too much = not good

Any advice would be sweet
Peace all

P.S. the pic is kinda shitty, blame it on the cell phone



Well-Known Member
They look like they germed, if so you need to get them out of the water now, too much water will drown it.:peace: