First time grower! - germinating seeds method suggestions?


Ok so i am going to be starting my first grow soon :) so you know i have all sorts of questions. What do you pros out there recommend to do to germinate the seeds? i have seen my friend put them on paper towels and fold it over and put it between 2 plates under his bed and just kept them moist, then i also saw this view where the guy did the same with the paper towel but put it in a bag and taped it shut and put it on the widow seal. Any tips are appreciated i wanted to grow good my first time :)


Ok so i am going to be starting my first grow soon :) so you know i have all sorts of questions. What do you pros out there recommend to do to germinate the seeds? i have seen my friend put them on paper towels and fold it over and put it between 2 plates under his bed and just kept them moist, then i also saw this view where the guy did the same with the paper towel but put it in a bag and taped it shut and put it on the widow seal. Any tips are appreciated i wanted to grow good my first time :)
plant them in soil, in a solo cup, put a ziploc bag over cup for humidity, put under lights. lights will cause humidity to build in ziploc bag thus creating the right temp and humidity for your seedling. remember to keep moist though. water with your fingertips. not too cold or too hot. you can use room temp distilled water or water from your tap after its set out for 24 hrs. to evaporate chlorine and impurities from water. you could even use a brita filter. just make sure water is room temp. dont plant seed too deep, plant about a cm from surface.


Well-Known Member
Wet your seeds with your favorite water, wet down a paper towel, wring it out, and place the seeds about two inches apart. Place them in a ziploc bag for a couple of days in a cool dark place. I have had everything from celery to corn to carrots germinate from this method. It never fails, unless you forget about it. :)


Wet your seeds with your favorite water, wet down a paper towel, wring it out, and place the seeds about two inches apart. Place them in a ziploc bag for a couple of days in a cool dark place. I have had everything from celery to corn to carrots germinate from this method. It never fails, unless you forget about it. :)
Ok if i do it that way will u have to like keep the towel wet? or can i just leave it in the bag for 3 days and it will be good?


New Member
Ok so i am going to be starting my first grow soon :) so you know i have all sorts of questions. What do you pros out there recommend to do to germinate the seeds? i have seen my friend put them on paper towels and fold it over and put it between 2 plates under his bed and just kept them moist, then i also saw this view where the guy did the same with the paper towel but put it in a bag and taped it shut and put it on the widow seal. Any tips are appreciated i wanted to grow good my first time :)



why not paper towels? what should i use then?
i wrapped my seeds in a paper towel and put it in a cup with just a little bit of water in it. not the whole paper towel tho, just like a forth of it. the water will soak up it. and keep in a dark place for 2 days. worked great for me


Active Member
plant them in soil, in a solo cup, put a ziploc bag over cup for humidity, put under lights. lights will cause humidity to build in ziploc bag thus creating the right temp and humidity for your seedling. remember to keep moist though. water with your fingertips. not too cold or too hot. you can use room temp distilled water or water from your tap after its set out for 24 hrs. to evaporate chlorine and impurities from water. you could even use a brita filter. just make sure water is room temp. dont plant seed too deep, plant about a cm from surface.

thats what I do.


New Member

nothing is needed other than seeds soil/pots and water read the link i posted as it clearly explains why not to use paper towels or pre soaking teqniques.
no professional gardener would use such ridiculous methods with seeds weather it be fruit/vegg or flowering plants.
but the towels and soaking seems to be branded in the minds of growers who know no better.
(paper towels should be banned and the people using them have no clue as to proper horticulture or gardening).



Active Member
The advantage of the paper towel method is you can make sure you don't have a bad seed before putting it in soil.

I did 10 seeds last week with a wet paper towel misted every day and all 10 cracked in 3 days and they are now in soil.


New Member
The advantage of the paper towel method is you can make sure you don't have a bad seed before putting it in soil.

I did 10 seeds last week with a wet paper towel misted every day and all 10 cracked in 3 days and they are now in soil.
there is no advantage to using paper towels.
you need to know if you have viable seeds and just plant them.
whats the point in transplanting paper toweled seeds into soil its just fucking about and completely unnecessary.


Fresh seeds have a waxy glimmer and a hard, intact shell.
Colours range from a buff through a dark brown, and from light grey to almost black colours. Often seeds are mottled with brown or black spots, or lines on a lighter field.
Green or whitish seeds are usually immature and will germinate feebly if at all.
Shiny, very dark brown or black seeds often mean the contents are fermented and the embryo is dead. Fermented seeds crush easily with finger pressure and are hollow or dusty inside.
Brick or compressed cannabis seeds must be checked as seeds that are bruised or crushed are not viable.
