First Time Grower Help Plz.....

I have currently started growing a plant and I'm a first time grower and this plant is 9 days old. Its currently vegging under 2 x 26w CFL's until i move it into my grow box. My baby is 9 days old and lately I have noticed brown spots showing up on the leaves & the lower leaves are now a lighter green. What could be the problem? I'm currently using Miracle Grow Potting Soil. Can it be nutrient burn? Please look at these pics and help plz. TY.



Well-Known Member
I agree with trich... somebody passed me a nug and he said he used miracle grow...i put it in my pipe, toke one hit, and i couldn't get it out of my pipe fast enough...tasted awfull.
Ya, it looks like it may be fertilizer burn....ya im definitely gonna switch off the miracle grow was just a test phase to see what would happen. Guess i'll go get me some organic fox farms soil. Do you think if i replant it that would save this plant from any more stress?
ya i'm defintely gonna go out 2nite and look for it.....just hope replanting it in the new soil fixes all the problems b4 it gets too bad.


Active Member
I used MG potting soil man and my plants are about 50 days old now and they are still in it and looking good, judging by your plants i would say its nute burn due to over watering because of the nutes in the soil. you have to go easy on the nutes at first with MG because like Tricomb said it has nutes in it that get reliesed when you water. so if you water them every day its like feeding them. i would water about every 2 maybe 3 days untill it is about 5 or 6 inches tall and then you can start watering it more often. Transplant if you want, it will allow you more room for watering but MG doesnt always cause problems.


Well-Known Member
some info on ocean forest...i've found it to be sandy and works much better if you mix if with light warrior or happy frog....i prefer happy frog...all fox farm.............
Well, i also did alot of testing after that and found out that our water here in the country has a ph of 7.6 after fixing the problem then it happened a second time to the plant. So i fixed it and started adding lower PH water to the plant and we will see how that goes. Hopefully this fixes the problem. I need to get me a PH pen or something to test the soil PH. But i figured as long as I keep adding neutral PH of 7 or a little less including the nutrients it should keep the whole soil around a ph of 6.8 to 7....correct?