First time grower help


Hi all

Im new to all this. I live in the UK. I am looking to grow for my own personal use. I only have one leg and my other is a stump. The only way i can control the pain is by smoking weed and its getting very expensive. I have a couple of questions to ask.

I live very close to my neighbours and if they can smell them they will report me to the police so if they do whats the max amount of plants i can get away with and just get a slap on the wrist.

I have been looking at all the seeds but havent got the faintest idea what ones to get. Im looking for a nice small plant with high yield and a nice strong hit which is grown inside. Also i am looking for one that can be grown outside that can be planeted and be left until it needs to be cut.

Thanks for your time :)


Active Member
I don't know anything about your countries laws but that would be important to find out before you begin.

indica's tend to be bushier and better suited for indoor because of height restrictions.

As for an outdoor plant that requires no maintenance until harvest... it wouldn't really be up to the genetics but in how you prepare your soil. Look into time release nutes. and you'd have to figure out irrigation. It's still going to be hard without checking up on them. They could get a pest problem, start needing to be fed water soluble nutes, so many things.