keep it simple stu***... indeed, if and when he decides to go INDOORS i think u would agree this case even 5 gallon fabric would suffice, if u dont plane on using meters, always nute on top of water to keep nutes moving and salts from building up and ec low, only when the pots are light as AIR when u physically lift em' (youll know ec is low) apply, and if youre less than 1000w feed water water, when you're ready to flower flush (3xpot ie. 5galpot 15galwater) if youre using tap great its full of trace minerals BUT let sit in non airtight container for at-least 48hrs pref 72 to evaporate most chlorine, if u use r.o. purchase cal mag source to prevent deficiency filtered by r.o. prefilters, so basically only a couple feeds during flower and alternate feed water water with beneficial water water (there's many unsulphured molasses to choose from but there is a descent difference in macro ie. grandmas 2%mag 2%cal brer rabit 25%mag 20%cal so 1tbsp vs 1tsp/gal)depending on sat dom r indica flower time when u hit final 3 weeks stop nutes and bens and start flush same regimen pot gal x3 every other day about 1/4 gal at once too much will wash roots foundation, as long as method of nutes on water and schedule of feed water water etc followed 1-1/12weeks flush is sufficient, leaching should've begun during last days of flush if not or just to speed up leech defoliate large fan leaves only, golden rule very misconstrued, over looked and as far as the importance rarely addressed is the drying of medium(from society we natural think water plants they grow but over water and the roots suffocate= stunt, nute lockout, even death).. unlike leaves, root system demand oxygen and air-flow especially during flower and the last couple weeks to SWELL, roots stretch looking for moisture ergo bud swells. with all the methods medium and fucking nutrients macro or micro and even beneficials keeping it simple will trump all and still produce top shelf tried and true id be glad to recommend nutes and soil but no matter what brand, perlite is must like MediheaLed replied. OUTDOORS same idea except moderate to heavy nutes and benes if you go 25 or larger instead of lifting pots when question to water use finger method just jam finger to knuckle if you cant literally dust r even blow of dusty soil and it sticks more like mud stain its not time. if youre really really tight on cash use guano with 1/4-1/2 dosage/gal of miraclegrow always let teas "brew" sit for 72hrs shaking/stirring daily and soil if not black gold like MediheaLed recommended then sunshine#4 or #1 or promix, plus perlite r comparable for aeration, anything in compressed bail will expand atleast 1/3 more even before adding your choice of aeration, remembering how important drying out and watering between feeds to drop ec down so they can feed, and alternating feeds with beneficials will be sure they leech excess salts, it can get as complicated as you want but this is def a trusted foundation for medicinal grade