First Time Grower In need Of some advice


Active Member
hi, im a first time grower and im looking at an easy strain to grow that is fairly quick and will not smell up my whole house im growing in a fairly big basement and my house is 3 levels so i need a strain that will not go up to the other floors. im gonna be making a homemade light fixture like a reflector and do a cfl all grow, im gonna be buying all my supplies at home-depot and im looking what soil to use and fertilizer but im not sure what one. i was looking to order of and i was looking at the strain ak-47 because it is fairly easy, cheap, but it smell crazy so im wondering if it will smell up all of my house also.
thanks for reading.


Well-Known Member
hi, im a first time grower and im looking at an easy strain to grow that is fairly quick and will not smell up my whole house im growing in a fairly big basement and my house is 3 levels so i need a strain that will not go up to the other floors. im gonna be making a homemade light fixture like a reflector and do a cfl all grow, im gonna be buying all my supplies at home-depot and im looking what soil to use and fertilizer but im not sure what one. i was looking to order of and i was looking at the strain ak-47 because it is fairly easy, cheap, but it smell crazy so im wondering if it will smell up all of my house also.
thanks for reading.
If you dont build a carbon filter than yes that strain will stink, I doubt it will make its way upstairs but the carbon will cut down on any smells. Most strains arent that hard to grow theres tons out there. You just have to ask yourself what you want in a strain and as for soil i would recommend fox farm but i doubt they have it at home depot.


Active Member
ok will i be able to pick up fox-farm at any local hardware stores like (lowes,homehardware) and for fertilizer for veg stage and flowering. and im doing cfl grow what is the least amount of wattage i need and what type of light?


Active Member
If you've got forced-air heat, it will stink up your entire house. Low smelling strain or not, YOU will be able to recognize it. Better safe than sorry bro, I grow in my basement and made the mistake of buying an underpowered vent fan with no carbon filter. I have no choice but to upgrade before fall/winter.



Active Member
i know somewhat how to grow i just need the setup and my last resort is buying one of thoose books i was hoping to figure some things out on here i will have fresh air going into the grow room, i just need to know the basic on what fl bulb will do, what fertilizer for all stages.


Active Member
ok but as you know im doing a cfl grow what lights should i use and what fertilizer for flower and veg
If you insist on using $5 nutes and $5 lightbulbs for a 3 month grow that will yield a week of smoke, then I'd use 5600k or higher for veg and 2700k for flower.


Well-Known Member
i know somewhat how to grow i just need the setup and my last resort is buying one of thoose books i was hoping to figure some things out on here i will have fresh air going into the grow room, i just need to know the basic on what fl bulb will do, what fertilizer for all stages.
Theres tons of information on all of this, just look around its really easy to find. As for cfl bulbs i would get some 42 watt cfls