First time grower,pc box!!


Active Member
alright ive been trying to answer this question for a while now and im getting stressed,can somebody tell me a yes or i waisting my time? i have a standard pc grow box with 1 60 watt curly cfl,my first grow is some schwag just to learn the ins and outs, can i grow a decent plant in this small space? below are my pics,and other question soon to come im sure.i also need a brand name i can buy from walmart for fertz and nutes.a lil about my box,striped tower,mylar from a ballon,60 watt curly cfl,one fan blowing cool air in,one hole to let hot air out,using the original power supply for lights and the old cell phone charger method for the fans. if u have more questions ask.


Well-Known Member
Pc grow is obviously limited space. lST is your best friend at the moment. You are also going to want to 12/12 from seed to end product. That's basically it. It's not impossible. Just growing on a smaller scale.


wow...that is a cool set up jagerwiser....about how much did that little pc set up run ya???


Well-Known Member
Low Stress Training. It's a practice in which you tie dwn the main stem to keep her from growing up. You can tie dwn any stem you want to manipulate her growth. This way your plant stays low & bushy


Active Member
wow i didnt know that godsend cool,thanks ill be looking in to that. and Noc i spent roughly 3.75$ for the lightbulb,everything else i had laying around,i got the pc from an old friend and just striped it down.


Well-Known Member
That's was a good idea. You'll get enough buds for a personal supply butthe beaut of it is you know where your girls fruits came from.

& the joy of watchig her grow you know :peace:


Active Member
im growing with the space ive been given and to prove that it can be done,i dont care how much i yield this is just a test to see if it can be done.


Well-Known Member
Nice to see another pc grower Jagerwiser. Case looks good.
I'd use the fan as an exhaust and have the vent as an intake personally. 60w is a bit low IMHO, I use around double that.

Here's a pic of my case taken last night. Shows what can be done once you get things dialled in.
Obviously I'm expecting more than a joint.
Good luck with the grow.



Active Member
you sir are the MAN,you made my fucking day!! thank you,i was getting so much hate from doing this,i can only use what i got and because im doing this under the table so my family doesnt know.thank you man you gave me some hope. your set up is a dream man i hope to achieve your status one still very much a newbie so its going to take a long time to get to where you are the the knowledge it takes to do it.



Well-Known Member
There's nothing wrong with a pc grow. Anybody who tries to say otherwise is clearly ignorant and I just love pissing them off :)
There's plenty of help and advice in the links in my sig.

You should get permission to grow where you are, I was kicked out of my parents many years ago for it and I learned it's more important to have a place to sleep than it is to have a weed.


Active Member
very true man,i mean my parents are smokers thats how i picked up the habit but recently they've
joined the holy rollers club and i dont have a problem with other ppls opinions just dont bring it
to me you know.oh i started a grow journal with some pics of my sprouts check em out if you want.