First Time Grower questions about Lighting and Heat

**** Sorry for the questions but I keep coming across differant answers via Google, and search options****

I took a old dresser that never got put together to make a grow box yesterday. I lined the inside with a Emergancy Blanket from wally world and alumanum foil duct tape. I have two 24" 4200k 75w (actual 17w) T8 fluorescent grow lights, one on each side of the dresser, and two power strips above were the plant will go with 5 2700k 100w (actual 26w) CFLs, two computer fans (intake bottom, exhaust top) and a 4" fan to help circulate some airflow. I only have one of the 26w CFLs, and the two fluorecent lights on at the moment. I cant seem to get the box below about 88 degrees during the day.The humidity is staying between 47% and 63%. Is this to hot to grow with, and is one CFL amd the 2 Flos enough light to begin with. The heat hits 100 degrees with all lights on. Right now I have three seeds in solo cups on my back porch (Just seeds pulled out of a buddys bag, not sure what strain) but I dont want to put them inside the box until I have everything as close as I can to where it needs to be. The box is about 36" tall, 26" long, and 14" deep. I think i hit everything, but I am sure someone will chime in if I didnt lol and thanks in advance. I added some pictures of the box if that would help.


ii dP ii

I would say keep the box in the coldest room you can to try and keep those temps down. or try and get a window AC unit for where ever it is. for 3 plants you'll probably need more light and if you cant keep it under 90 now more bulbs are just gonna make it worse.

as far as more light, you can get Y splitters from home depot for those CFL sockets and double up the bulbs there. that would probably be adequate.
I have the three plants in solo cups to see if any sprout. I only intend on one plant being in the box itself. I have a spare closet in the back of the house I plan on lining and using later one, then us this for a dry box. There is a ceiling fan in the same room with the box right now, as the coolest room is the front room and that just dont work for me for obvious reasons lol. Do you think the two 4200k 17w Flos and one 2700k 26w CFL would be ok for one plant in that box for the time being as long as I can keep the temps no higher than they are now?


Active Member
For vegetative growth you want 6500k CFL's. 2700k's are used for flowering after they are nice and fat with leaves. Make sure everything is clean, dont over water and be patient. Try adding another exhaust fan to lower the temps. Weed can take more heat but they hate a watery soil.